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On the alarmist, misleading, and anti-constitutional claims made by critics of the Expropriation Act
Why (almost) everything I learnt on social media about the Buffelsfontein tragedy turned out to be wrong
Court cases against UCT and Maties are emblematic of the ‘Mpofu-fication’ of SA universities
Constitutional Court woes must be top of Chief Justice Mandisa Maya’s agenda
Concerted effort needed from legal profession to fix ‘incompetent’ Legal Practice Council
Sharp rise in number of people shot dead by KZN cops is cause for serious concern
Fix the JSC rather than banning John Hlophe from serving on it
Reasons why the GNU might end up as an exhibit in Zagreb’s Museum of Broken Relationships
Zuma’s MK party may be litigiously backing itself into corner with doomed urgent application
No, a political party cannot sabotage the election of the President by refusing to participate in the election of the President by the National Assembly
The IEC is not perfect, but beware of bad faith attacks aimed at discrediting the election
Why the ConCourt is not the appropriate body to resolve policy disagreements about the NHI Act
Zuma MK party representation may be critical for votes but push for ConCourt judges’ recusal probably a dead end
The slippery path to a stable coalition government
Be wary of political parties that undermine our democracy with unsubstantiated attacks on the IEC
Retaining Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula as Speaker is not a legal matter, but a political choice
The case for an academic boycott of Israeli universities complicit in the Gaza onslaught
All-white, all-male legal teams are wrong on so many levels
Why ending the ANC's cadre deployment policy may do little to end corruption and nepotism
Apartheid of the soul: On Wilgenhof abuses and those who justify or defend them
On David Teeger, Cricket SA and the wrongheaded freedom of speech arguments made in his defence
A hustle here and a hustle there — how things work (maybe) in Cuba
Rugby, Rassie, the Springboks, my father and me – a South African parable
Julius Malema has opened himself to criminal charges of ‘scandalising the court’
Zuma’s bid to set aside Raymond Zondo’s appointment as Chief Justice is a legal nonsense
On tardiness and torpidity: It’s time the Legal Practice Council stepped up to do its duty
The lessons learnt from the process to remove Busisiwe Mkhwebane from office
New intelligence bill is anti-democratic, and a unique mix of malice and stupidity
Let’s pray that voting in SA’s 2024 elections doesn’t feel like the triumph of hope over experience
Remitting Zuma’s jail sentence as part of a general remission was the least worst option by far
National dialogue on coalition governments: why the proposed regulations may not fix the problem
Western Cape devolution Bill: a politically inspired statement of intent that may not change much
Should a way be found to spare Jacob Zuma from jail time? It’s a tough call
Digging into acting Public Protector’s perplexing lack of curiosity about pivotal Phala Phala facts
The Motata ruling – Structural and human problems behind failure of JSC to protect integrity of judicial system
Searing Labour Court judgment’s salutary lesson for lawyers bringing hopeless Zuma cases to court
On the curious history of litigating for access to Zuma’s tax records
Draft employment equity regulations an incoherent mess, but criticism largely based on false claims
On the quiet radicalism of the Namibian same sex marriage judgment
Eskom ruling is magical thinking – courts cannot fix intractable governance problems
Coalition chaos: Why we need to develop political conventions rooted in respect for voters to protect us from selfish politicians
Jabs in the dark – why this anti-vax group’s case is a legal non-starter
Mkhwebane’s legal costs have spiralled out of control, but she is still entitled to a defence
ANC leadership’s ‘outrage’ over Thabo Bester escape seems a tad manufactured
Why the Labour Court was wrong to accept that there was no race-based wage discrimination at Makro
Dali Mpofu’s defence of Busisiwe Mkhwebane skating on very thin ethical and legal ice
What the State Capture Commission report tells us about the ANC's response to the De Ruyter interview
Lawyer held in contempt of court: When legal practitioners behave badly, they undermine the legitimacy and effectiveness of the profession
The DA’s flip-flopping on Eskom State of Disaster is embarrassing, and their new plan is legally fraught
The mooted National State of Disaster – ANC desperation or cynical public relations exercise?
ANC cadre deployment will be stopped at the ballot box, not via the courts
Zuma’s private prosecution of Ramaphosa raises red flags about abuse of judicial process
Flawed report gives ANC MPs an alibi to vote against impeachment. But there are other ways to hold Ramaphosa accountable
Ramaphosa should jump at the chance to clear his name before an impeachment inquiry — if he has nothing to hide
Jacob Zuma may have to serve at least another two months behind bars before being considered for parole
Slapp suit judgment paves way to shutting the door on Stalingrad tactics
Dali Mpofu’s forays into the swamps of invective play fast and loose with legal ethics
On the recent Con Court eviction judgment: knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing
Small parties, big influence: What can be done about unstable coalition governments?
Push for devolution of Western Cape policing powers may have pragmatic footing but may run into legal trouble
Political campaign donations – merely changing the ethics code to force disclosure won’t cut it
Why the High Court was wrong to overturn Mkhwebane's suspension on the ground that the President was biased
It can be dangerous when national security is used as a cover to dodge accountability
AfriForum should consider introspection after losing ‘Kill the Boer’ hate speech case against EFF
Khayelitsha policing collapse the result of ‘catastrophic’ and ‘unconscionable’ political and judicial failure
Ramaphosa impeachment unlikely, but process may shine light into murky Phala Phala waters
ConCourt’s woeful ruling on foreign legal practitioners fails to consider vicious xenophobia scourge
On executive accountability and the direct election of the President
Ramaphosa and the foreign currency theft: on the legal issues and the Fargo problem
On Theuns du Toit, "spectacular racism", and slow violence
Mkhwebane's Stalingrad approach: We need to talk about integrity in the legal profession
ANC and Ramaphosa’s choice on State Capture report findings — self and party or the good of the country?
On Bullshit: Why I wrongly thought the Public Protector's complaint against justice Jafta was a hoax
ANC faces storm of power struggles if forced to form a coalition government
Why proposed amendments to SA’s electoral system favour the governing ANC
On being implicated in the state capture report, and the judicialisation of public morality
Why context matters: Constitutional Court leaves the hate speech threshold open to judges’ interpretation
The dog that didn't bark: what is missing from the "debate" on the appointment of a new Chief Justice
On the JSC Chief Justice interviews: expecting the worst, while hoping for the best
Why the CCMA upheld the dismissal of an employee who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19
Lindiwe Sisulu: Why do cabinet ministers who claim to find the actions or policies of the government they serve in intolerable never resign?
Why is Ramaphosa dragging his feet with Con Court appointments?
On rage, distrust and Covid-19 lockdowns: Why vaccine hesitancy is irrational but not incomprehensible
By becoming a "pastor-politician", Mogoeng cannot escape scrutiny in the name of freedom of religion
Prof Balthazar and the "RET Faction": On the wrong-headed criticism of the Zuma tax judgment
What is to be done about unstable and self-serving coalitions, and how the media could help to empower voters
A brief history of MR Jacob Zuma's attempts to prevent the public from hearing the State's evidence against him
It's a criminal offence for landlords and estate agents to discriminate against black applicants, and it is time to prosecute and punish them harshly
Can post-election coalition instability and chaos be fixed?
Court rules Unisa can’t abandon Afrikaans as medium of instruction, but what about true multilingualism?
On judicial decadence and the dissent in the Zuma rescission application
The scar of science I cherish: Why I support a Covid-19 vaccine requirement at UCT (Part I)
On the limitation of rights: Why I support a Covid-19 vaccine requirement at UCT (Part Two)
Why the Constitutional Court ruling on the local government election is bad news for the ANC
The ANC's failure to register some ward candidates may have a bigger impact on its electoral performance than might be assumed
Public Protector rescission application reflects contempt for the facts and the law and, perhaps, also for the Constitutional Court
Why the JSC should consider the broad political orientation of candidates, but is doing so badly
Instructing ANC MPs to elect the ethically compromised Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula as parliamentary Speaker is a dangerous conflation of governing party and state
How the Qwelane judgment narrows the scope of prohibited hate speech, while rejecting the libertarian view of freedom of expression
Why all the legal options to postpone the local government elections are bad options
State of emergency - careful what you wish for
Jacob Zuma's contempt of court: an attempted appeal masquerading as a rescission application
On the magical thinking of the minority in the Zuma contempt of court judgement
Why it might be unwise to postpone local government elections
On the oddly dishonest criticism of proposed amendments to the Equality Act
Constitutional Court delivers powerful judgment on sexual harassment and systemic inequality
On "Twitter mobs" and "cancel culture": a (partial) defence of "Twitter democracy"
No good legal options: Zuma could be planning an all-out political attack on the judiciary
The Ace Magashule court challenge: Mostly legal nonsense (and some false statements), but one argument may worry the ANC
Electoral reform: Slim chance South African MPs would represent constituents before parties
Accountability of MPs: When constitutional obligations versus keeping your job dictates fate and future
LGBTQ attacks: time to reject the use of religion to justify homophobic and transphobic bigotry
Why is the JSC irrationally refusing to recommend the suspension of Judge President Hlophe?
Markus Jooste, Jacob Zuma and Gary Porritt: how access to vast sums of money benefit those implicated in corruption
Is it possible for the ANC to fix the way in which the party elects its leaders?
What will happen after the State Capture Commission report is released?
Why are ANC MPs not fighting to amend the unconstitutional Budget Bill?
On Zuma's curious legal strategy: will the Rampahosa government have the backbone to enforce the law?
On the inept and false statement issued by the Jacob Zuma Foundation
Why the court should overturn the sealing of the CR17 bank statements
Why Zuma's justification for disobeying a court order is legally absurd, and why the Constitutional Court must have the final say on the matter
Our government could – and should – take steps to compel vaccinations in South Africa for the greater good
Jacob Zuma and the State Capture Commission: We need to talk about his lawyers
Medical schemes racial discrimination report: what other types of systemic discrimination may be uncovered by similar investigations?
Trump's Twitter ban is justified, but Twitter's unregulated power to ban individuals should not be trusted
On Covid-19 beach restrictions: bad policy is not necessarily unconstitutional
What motivated the Public Protector in her SARS investigation, and will she be prosecuted?
What the Coligny murder case might tell us about the the way apartheid logic structures relations in a small town
Ace Magashule and the limits of the ANC NEC "step aside" decision
Why the Zondo recusal application is weak on the facts and the law
Ace Magashule: What to look for when evaluating the strength of the state’s case
US Presidential election: The electoral college and South Africa's new electoral system
Will a recent SCA judgment help to fix the political dysfunction in Tshwane?
Why there is a real need to strengthen the independence of the NPA
Public Protector's "legal" arguments may not be aimed at winning court cases, but at promoting political talking points
Gauteng's anti-immigrant Bill and the problem of reinforcing societal prejudice
Zondo recusal application: more a political than a legal move
Toshan Panday and the many ways implicated people evade accountability
On attempts by Jacob Zuma to evade the Zondo Commission of Inquiry
Andile Lungisa is a convicted criminal - but his removal from council could become complicated
Bizarre judgment on the call to prayer is wrong in law and rewards religious prejudice
Herman Mashaba, the death penalty is not a deterrent to violent crime
Selling the lie of Cape independence
In the absence of disciplinary action against ANC members implicated in corruption, the party's anti-corruption rhetoric rings hollow
Zondo Commission and the NPA: a glimmer of hope, but it will not end corruption
Invoking free expression to avoid debate: the case of the former reality TV personality and David Icke
On the supersized level 3 lockdown regulations: will they pass constitutional muster?
In debate on Civil Union Act amendment, the line between homophobic prejudice and religious beliefs became blurred
Mogoeng and Israel: Judicial code of conduct warns judges against becoming “involved in any political controversy"
Why the court ordered that race and gender should be taken into account when allocating Covid-19 relief funds
Further thoughts on the disruption of the intergenerational transfers of wealth
Privilege and inheritance: Time to disrupt intergeneration transfers of wealth
Judgment invalidating lockdown regulations is flawed, but so is the government's "means justifies the end" defence
Are we fighting about who will get the best sun chairs on the deck of the Titanic while the iceberg is looming in the distance?
On the three different version provided by the presidency of the powers of the National Command Council
Collins Khosa case and the failure of leadership by the Chief of the SANDF and Defence Minister
Ministers need to provide rational, fact-based, and truthful justifications for lockdown regulations
Why the management of the lockdown threatens respect for the Rule of Law
Bheki Cele's skop skiet en donner approach encourages Police criminality, but will Parliament hold the Minister accountable?
Lawyers who disobeyed the lockdown regulations deprived of fees and referred to Legal Practice Council
Are some lockdown regulations invalid because they discriminate on the basis of race, or are not authorised by law?
Vague Covid-19 lockdown regulations may make enforcement and adherence more difficult
Steps to curb coronavirus spread: more legal questions answered
What measures can the government legally take to deal with the coronavirus crisis?
Why Busisiwe Mkhwebane has been a godsend to Cyril Ramaphosa and the CR17 campaign
What is to be done about EFF disruption and assault in the Eastern Cape legislature?
On the wisdom of interviewing Carl Niehaus and why this has nothing to do with free speech
If you think it is bad that the apartheid era Riotous Assembly Act is still on the statute books, wait till you hear about the Coloured Persons Education Act
Neither SONA nor any disruption will improve the quality of governance in South Africa
The case of Gary Porritt illustrates why sick notes may not be enough to get Jacob Zuma off the hook
Public Protector's legal challenge of impeachment rules may amount to fruitless and wasteful expenditure
Christian privilege: Court will force Beloftebos to stop discriminating against LGBTQ people - just like it forced a racist guest house owner to stop discriminating against black people
Will Hlophe's Stalingrad defence indefinitely delay investigation of complaints against him?
Zuma vs Zondo: How the rich and powerful use procedural arguments to avoid legal accountability
Reasoned criticism of courts holds the judiciary accountable, questioning the integrity of judges does not
Eskom power cuts: Is there a right to electricity and can courts enforce it?
Why the hate speech provision was declared unconstitutional and what happens next.
Why more MPs who misled Parliament have not been prosecuted for fraud
Why is a DA MP demanding that the President act unconstitutionally?
The WhatsApp, the Public Protector, and a reasonable apprehension of bias
Why the court declined to set aside the Public Protector’s Zille report despite suggesting the report “may well be” legally flawed
SANEF v EFF: What did the High Court say and was the ruling correct?
Neither the religious nor atheists enjoy a constitutional right not to be disrespected
On meeting Jonathan in Kampala and why religion and culture does not give you a free pass to harm others
Floyd Shivambu: Almost certainly in breach of the Code of Ethics, but what about money laundering?
"State Capture": Why the wheels of justice are turning so slowly
Why the EFF ban on media organisations unconstitutionally infringes on the right to freedom of expression
Treating obviously false claims against judges and the NDPP as if they are credible is unethical and dangerous
On freedom of religion and the right to question religious beliefs and practices
Why the National Assembly is constitutionally required to adopt rules for the removal of the Public Protector and other members of Chapter 9 bodies
CR17: Is politics the art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other?
Public Protector: Instructing the NDPP to investigate a matter might constitute a criminal offence
Unconstitutional law assumes married women will take their husband's surnames but never other way around
Nonsensical? How the Public Protector and others use motive to avoid talking about the facts and the law
Mkhwebane: Constitutional Court destroys her credibility, but this is no guarantee that she will be removed from office
Public Protector's Ramaphosa report contains a good idea ruined by (more) bad legal reasoning
Jacob Zuma: State Capture Commission rules allow witness to be examined to assess truthfulness of his evidence
Public Protector v SARS part II: How the report found that the absence of evidence provides proof of wrongdoing
The part of the Public Protector report on SARS investigative unit is clearly irrational
The Public Protector is not authorised to investigate allegations of money laundering against Ramaphosa campaign
The fight over Zuma's legal fees points to a fundamental unfairness in the legal system
A brilliant court victory for LGBT people in Botswana lays the ground for further legal activism
No, the reappointment of minister Pravin Gordhan is not unconstitutional
Manuel v EFF: Court judgment serves as a warning for those who defame others on Twitter
How long before the attacks against the NPA's new Investigative Directorate begin?
Public Protector: Court judgement provides more evidence of incompetence and misconduct
Dagga and the workplace: Why the CCMA got it wrong
What happens after the election results are announced?
Why voting for "Cyril's ANC" is probably not going to end corruption
NPA: Why Ramaphosa fired Jiba and Mrwebi and why Jacob Zuma might be to blame
Why the casting and counting of ballots will probably be free and fair
Author of "Gangster State" does NOT have a duty to report Magashule's alleged corruption to the Police
Why there is no legal duty on ANC candidates to withdraw from election lists if instructed to do so
What can voters do about the scoundrels whose names appear on electoral lists?
Possible corruption? - Andile Ramaphosa and the R2 million payment from Bosasa
FF+ likely to lose challenge to BLF "blacks only" rule
Why court ruled against Dutch Reformed Church in same-sex marriage case and what it may mean for other churches who discriminate against gays and lesbians
Malema and the EFF: candidates and parties who provoke violence or intimidation are in breach of Electoral Code and liable to 10 years imprisonment
Law allowing for extension of McBride's term of office probably unconstitutional
Will new hate speech Bill criminalise social media activism against racism, sexism and homophobia?
An embarrassing mistake from the Constitutional Court
Political party funding Act should be brought into operation forthwith
What if Ramaphosa is faced by an impossible choice?: Lessons from Brazil
On Helen Zille's "tax revolt": blaming voters for not getting your way
Can State Capture whistle-blower Angelo Agrizzi's testimony be used to prosecute him, and can he be granted immunity from prosecution?
Is the government coming for your pension and would this be unconstitutional?
On art at UCT: Why claims of censorship may be anti-intellectual
High Court repudiates all arguments advanced on behalf of Tom Moyane
Supreme Court of Appeal gets the law very wrong in a hate speech judgment
On the independence and impartiality of the SABC and interference by the Minister of Communications
Little used legal doctrine secures informal land rights of the Grootkraal community
Why Discovery Bank's "blacks only" share scheme is both legal and morally justified
Response to the legal claims made by the Public Protector's office
Regardless of the politics, Public Protector's pursuit of Pravin Gordhan is legally flawed and fails the honesty test
Time for our courts to strenghten the rights of transgender South Africans
On the many ways those implicated in corruption defend themselves without ever denying the accusations against them
Why Tom Moyane can be fired forthwith, but court may not order dismissal of Gigaba and Dlamini
On the possible criminal prosecution of those allegedly involved in the VBS/Vele scandal
Yes, saying white people must be burnt alive and skinned constitutes hate speech, but the legal reasoning of the judgment leaves much to be desired
The case of professor Sean Davison and the right to die with dignity
Con Court rules that Bathabile Dlamini misled the Court: Will President Ramaphosa fire her (as well as Malusi Gigaba)?
Why are some right wing whites so outraged by uncontroversial Con Court "hit the boer" judgment?
Con Court cannabis judgment: what was the reasoning and what does it mean?
Why changing the electoral system is not a magic bullet to establish accountability
On a childhood in Hennenman and Frans Cronje's alarmist language
Why we talk past each other when we talk about land expropriation without compensations
Con Court judgment on the NPA finds former President Zuma abused his power
On double standards towards criminal suspects and Zuma's permanent stay of prosecution application
What the Grace Mugabe immunity judgment means (and why it may be appealed)
On the bogus arguments used to defend people like Christo Wiese and Qedani Mahlangu
Why the failure of Presidents Zuma and Ramaphosa to deal with the Secrecy Bill is constitutionally delinquent
Advocate Mpofu's threat: what the facts and the law say
Attacks on SARS Commission have no legal basis, must be politically motivated
De Lille judgment may have far reaching consequences for DA
Jacob Zuma: is it a crime to admit knowledge of corruption and not report it?
Why Public Protector's report on Zille's outrageous tweets is a legal nonsense
Not a good idea for courts to interfere in firing of ministers (or mayors)
Malusi Gigaba and the Ministerial Handbook: The gift that keeps on giving
Markus Jooste can be forced to testify before the National Assembly
Afriforum will never forgive black people for apartheid
On Danny Jordaan and Mduduzi Manana and the ways in which male privilege protects men who abuse women
How open and transparent should the Judicial Service Commission be?
Afriforum cannot prosecute Julius Malema, but a Public Protector report does raise questions about his honesty
What did the Conduct Tribunal find and is it likely to lead to judge Motata's impeachment?
How credible are the racketeering, corruption, money laundering and fraud charges against Jacob Zuma?
It's time to fire racist and sexist Eskom Board member Mark Lamberti
Is Jacob Zuma's lawyers abusing the legal process and acting unethically?
Is the state authorised to pay Jacob Zuma's private lawyers in his corruption case?
The courts are unlikely to save SARS boss Tom Moyane from suspension and dismissal
On Malusi Gigaba, the VVIP terminal, and lies told to the court
No, Minister Cele, "criminals" do have human rights
The censoring of the movie Inxeba is an embarrassing legal fiasco animated by homophobia
To protect the integrity of that office, the Public Protector must be removed from office forthwith
Removing President Zuma: What are the options?
SONA: Can it be postponed or even cancelled, and if so by whom?
The Cape Town water crisis: Why is the DA conflating party and state?
Commission of inquiry into state capture - do we really need it and will it happen?
Expropriation without compensation: how to change the Constitution
What would constitute a serious breach allowing for impeachment of the President?
Constitutional Court impeachment judgment: what was the disagreement between the majority and minority
On recalling Jacob Zuma as President of South Africa
On the Nxasana judgment: No, the Constitution does not allow the President to flout the Constitution
On the ANC Constitution and the election of a new NEC: the legal issues
Reserve Bank accuses Public Protector of dishonesty: pity her poor lawyers
Imagining what happened: On gated communities and privatised privilege
Some animals more equal than others?: MultiChoice, ANN7 and influence peddling
President's Keepers: Why Tom Moyane might have a legal duty to publish President Zuma's tax records
No, the constitution does not guarantee a right to be presumed innocent by everyone until proven guilty
President Jacob Zuma, the art of non-denial, and the distant possibility of impeachment
SABC: What the High Court said about its independence and how it will limit government interference
Fact-checking claims about the prosecution of President Jacob Zuma
Spy tapes judgment: NPA now legally obliged to prosecute President Zuma (but don't hold your breath)
SABC Board: Why the President has no discretion in the matter
SCA judgment on refugees brings back bitter sweet memories of Rèmy
On "Khwezi", a rape acquittal, and the limits of "legal truth"
Was there a "mutually beneficial symbiosis" between SARS and KPMG?
Public Protector: Could Reserve Bank Affidavit Hasten Her End?
Courts have often pointed to the questionable actions of Jacob Zuma: does that impose a duty on the Speaker to act?
On the old South African flag, symbol of white supremacy
Can political parties expell MPs who disobey orders?
Early election won't happen - although it is provided for in the Constitution
Distinguishing fact from fiction: What happens if a vote of no confidence succeeds?
On a secret or open ballot: What must the Speaker decide?
Amnesty for President Zuma? No, it is not legally possible
What is to be done about the Public Protector?
"Fuck White People": court correct not to find the work of art to be hate speech
Why President Zuma should not appoint commission of inquiry into #StateCapture
Secret ballot judgment: Constitutional Court schools members of Parliament on their obligations
Absa is poster child for apartheid corruption, but this does not mean the Public Protector can order the amendment of the Constitution
Gigaba and Gupta citizenship: several ethical and legal questions remain unanswered
Gupta emails provide proof of wrongdoing, and this is the action that must be taken
No, there is no duty on us to presume someone is innocent until proven guilty
Brain Molefe: Why were we not told before that he had "retired" and had not resigned?
The Constitutional Court speaks about land and dignity
Coligny bail (and cabinet reshuffle) judgments show need for reasoned criticism
Why it is unlikely the court will review and set aside the cabinet reshuffle
Dagga judgment: there are less drastic ways to deal with its harmful effects
Ntlemeza: Did the Police Minister unlawfully interfere with independence of the Hawks?
Political Parties or Parliament - Who is more powerful?
On a secret ballot in the no confidence vote against President Zuma
Removal of President Zuma: What counts is who controls the ANC NEC
On the power of President Zuma to fire Pravin Gordhan
On Helen Zille, colonialism and "free speech": Responding to Ferial Haffajee
Con Court SASSA judgment: In this Game of Thrones, can Minister Dlamini survive?
Myths about the sassa social grants fiasco and the power of the constitutional court
Social grants: why a new contract with CPS may be invalid and what the Con Court can do to fix the mess
What happens if the two Houses of Parliament are controlled by different parties?
Is Sassa protecting the profits of a private company?
No, the Con Court cannot remove the President from office
Soldiers at Parliament sends signal that bullets trump ballots
Bill criminalising hate speech may protect racists, sexists and homophobes
Gerrie Nel's politically dubious decision: extremely difficult to institute private prosecutions
No, a peaceful protest on church grounds does not infringe on religious rights
Only a new SABC Board can right the ship at the "public" broadcaster
Is it time to elect South Africa's President directly?
High Court says "Haikona Motata", awards cost against the judge
Hlaudi Motsoeneng: Court attempts to prevent another abuse of the legal process
Moralistic view of marriage leaves unmarried couples unprotected
Review of state capture report: the legal issues
No, the death penalty is not a deterrent and should not be re-introduced
Why state schools cannot promote a "Christian ethos"
State Capture: When does President Zuma's silence become an admission of wrongdoing?
Shaun Abrahams could have stopped the prosecution of Pravin Gordhan much earlier
Why the meeting between Abrahams and politicians at ANC headquarters was problematic
Guptas and the banks can now provide a court with details of the 72 suspicious transactions
Gordhan: Is there any case to answer?
Remaining SABC Board members cannot make any legally binding decisions
Why Hlaudi Motsoeneng's re-appointment is irrational and invalid
The Constitution enables student protest (and it's a good thing too)
Minister Zwane's unconvincing separation of powers defence
Will IPID go after the Hawks for its abuse of power?
Why legal safeguards alone cannot protect independence of the Hawks
There is no factual or legal basis for Hawks to investigate Minister Gordhan
Gordhan: No, the law must not take its course
On Caster Semenya and the gender stereotypes peddled by her critics
What happens if parties cannot agree to form a coalition government?
What happens after the votes are counted - some questions answered
UCT's dis-invitation: who has the power to speak and to be heard?
Constitutional Court expands scope of permissible employment equity measures
SABC censorship weakens SA's democracy
SA declines to support gay rights at the UN
No, religious freedom does not justify discrimination
Tshwane: Is it time for political parties to become more democratic?
Free and fair: Explaining the Con Court judgment on the IEC and the election
The problem with using human rights as trumps
An end to robust and even rude debate in parliament?
Why NPA appeal in Zuma case is a (very) long shot
Is there any legal basis for investigating Minister Pravin Gordhan?
Judge Mabel Jansen: what happens next?
NPA must indict President Zuma or appeal judgment
"Please Call Me" judgment: will this love story have a happy ending?
Keep your gullibility at bay during the election campaign
The limited options of opposition parties on Nkandla impeachment
Nkandla scandal: it was a simple choice between right and wrong
On President Jacob Zuma's complicated relationship with the truth
Constitutional Court Nkandla judgment: some questions answered
Con Court Nkandla judgment: forget about impeachment
The Guptas, President Zuma and Gordhan: some legal questions answered
Why High Court erred in ordering the release of Janusz Walus
Why the Constitutional Court stopped the eviction of a 76-year-old man from his house in Mamelodi
Hawks not authorised to investigate establishment of SARS "rogue unit"
On arson, police violence and student protest in a constitutional democracy
Nkandla: What should have happened, but never did
SONA: the rules that should guide the Speaker
Is President's Nkandla offer an implicit admission of defeat?
"Virginity testing" bursaries: discriminatory and unlawful
The Right to Be Different: LGBTI Rights in South Africa
Why free speech fundamentalists are undermining the case for free speech
On the criminalisation of racist and other bigoted speech
Back in the new year
No, a court will not invalidate the appointment of the Minister of Finance
Reeva Steenkamp - was it a race crime or a sex crime?
Why does our government discriminate against poor, black children?
Constitutional Court avoids decision on sexual orientation discrimination by Methodist Church
Debate on Stellenbosch language policy is about who is made invisible and who counts
President is in a difficult position, having to be be loyal to both the ANC and the country
Murder of criminal suspects by police brutalises us all
High Court judgment granting interdict to Stellenbosch University
#FeesMustFall: On the right to mass protest and the use of force by police
Sunnyside 7 Released
Statement by members of UCT Faculty of Law on the use of violence by SAPS
Call for UCT academics to join march about events regarding #FeesMustFall
Excluding students from University because of lack of funds may be unconstitutional
Available papers in Constitutional Court Nkandla challenges from EFF and DA
Changing powers and boundaries of provinces not a done deal
SCA provides clarity on the legal effect of Public Protector findings
Godfrey Pitje Inaugural Memorial Lecture
Why King Dalindyebo is not above the law
Why does the law allow marriage officers to discriminate against same-sex couples?
Harvard Workshop on Animals in Comparative Constitutional Law
No, turning off News24 comments is NOT a form of censorship
Parliamentary rule 53A on disruption of proceedings
To address wrongs of the past Stellenbosch language policy must change
List of candidates shortlisted by JSC for judicial appointment
Con Court to hear case of fired Methodist Minister
On the "snake pastor" and limitations on freedom of religion
DA Nkandla Court papers
Why perceptions of political interference in NPA fuel corruption
Why an LGBTI organisation needs your help to narrow the gap between constitutional promise and practice
EFF Notice of Motion to Con Court on Nkandla
What the rules say about the removal of MPs from Parliament
Why do dominant religions so often get a free pass from courts?
Invitation: Public Lecture on political party regulation in SA
Why the ad hoc Committee on Nkandla is legally irrelevant
On eating snakes, punching sharks and animal cruelty legislation
Judicial Vacancies: nominations sought
Justice Yvonne Mokgoro on Rule of Law, Judicial Authority and Democracy
Blade Nzimande and the criticism of court judgments
Deployment of troops in South Africa - is it lawful?
Statement by Chief Justice and Heads of Court on Rule of Law
Another link to Marikana Report
What Al-Bashir judgment said and why the Rule of Law is a prerequisite for democracy
Complete High Court al-Bashir judgment
Law Society Statement on Rule of Law and court orders
Al-Bashir: flouting court orders are anti-poor and anti-democratic
Nkandla: yes the decision may be irrational and can be reviewed
Media Statement: Public Protector responds to Minister Nhleko's Nkandla Report
SERI Press statement: Judge Farlam entitled to release Marikana Report
At the Venice Biennale - An ugly, condescending scream on the wall
DCJ Dikgang Moseneke: The Media, Courts and Technology: Remarks on the Media Coverage of the Oscar Pistorius Trial and Open Justice
DA v Speaker - judgment on removal and arrest of MPs:
Dying with dignity judgment - moral views of some cannot justify infringement of rights of others
Constitutional Court Vacancy
North Gauteng High Court judgment on assisted dying
LLM scholarships for 2016 at UCT Law Faculty
Religion in schools: time to decolonise our education?
Odidi against xenophobia and homophobia
Xenophobic statement: Is King Zwelithini guilty of hate speech?
Steve Hofmeyr at the KKNK: why the idea of false equivalences is destructive and wrong
The story of the runaway date
Rhodes statue - a reminder of strangeness made ordinary in democratic South Africa
"Unparliamentary speech"? There is no such thing.
Con Court calls for applications for Law Clerks for 2016
Welcome to Worcester - and apartheid 2015 style
Mike van Graan and AFAI never loved us
Con Court hears case on right not to be refused emergency medical treatment on 26/02/15
Those intolerant of bigotry do not invite bigots to speak
DCJ Moseneke: Reflections on South African Constitutional Democracy - Transition and Transformation
Who will protect our Parliament against the President and his securocrats?
SONA chaos: preliminary legal and strategic points
SONA and the EFF - What is the Speaker authorised to do?
Call for papers: Political parties and the party system in South Africa: the interface between law and politics
Time to confront the evil of apartheid, not only of De Kock who defended it
Composition of the Constitutional Court in the first and second terms of 2015
Xenophobic attacks: apartheid-thinking alive in South Africa
DA SMS judgment: what the court really found
European Court often condones restrictions on free speech to accommodate "sensitivities"
Did the politics of patronage require suspension of the Hawks boss?
Kader Asmal Fellowship in Human Rights at Trinity College, Dublin
James Bond and the National Key Points Act
Full judgment on access to list of National Key Points
Our own Olivia Pope won't end corruption
EFF Founding Affidavit in case against Speaker
Deal between Ramaphosa and opposition was unenforceable
Why report of Nkandla ad hoc committee is of no legal relevance
Why everything you think you know about free expression is false
Death penalty: It's not even the beginning of a solution
Job opportunity: Research, Advocacy and Policy Manager at Triangle Project
What the High Court really said about the powers of the Public Protector
High Court judgment on powers of Public Protector
When some rights are more equal than others
Triangle Project seeking a Director
Why is Afriforum threatening to censor a work of art?
Claude Leon Foundation LLM Scholarship (UCT), 2015
Spy tapes: Still no reason to drop charges
Spare a thought for ANC Nkandla committee members
The Speaker's dilemma
SERI Report: Protest is the "only language government understands"
The President's reply to the Public Protector: why it won't hold water
The complete Oscar Pistorius judgment can be accessed here
Pistorius judgment: Was there no intention to kill someone behind the toilet door?
How to have a meaningful discussion on affirmative action
SCA dismisses Legal Aid SA’s appeal in Marikana funding case
Can Parliament act against EFF MPs for demanding answers in Parliament?
UCT scholarships for students from other sub-Saharan African countries
Thuli Madonsela: Wrecking Ball
SCA: Full Spy tapes judgment
JSC: Shortlisted Candidates for Judicial Positions
Nkandla: Zuma's convoluted series of Houdini moves
Public Protector tries to assist President to act lawfully - to no avail.
Money, power and the everyday oppression of gender roles
The freedom to be fabulous
Home Affairs: Is it harassing lawyers illegally
Hlaudi weather: The fog is even thicker than it looks
Attacks on Madonsela: blaming the messenger
UCT Law Faculty: Applications for Doctoral and Research Master's Programme
White, Afrikaans universities - when will they truly transform?
The suppressed NWU Task Team Report on orientation practices
NPA crisis: Open warfare was just the beginning
Censoring Malema seems to have no basis in law
Married same-sex couples wanted for interviews for a research project
Tlakula: Stark truth, stark choice
The law vs. religion: Let's try that again
SJC, Equal Education and Ndifuna Ukwazi statement about Lwandle eviction
Call for Papers: Conference on “Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism”, November 2014, New York
Evictions: 0 out of 10 SANRAL - try again
Chief Justice on "fornication" and "sanctity of the family"
Gay Cabinet ministers: So what's the big deal
Address delivered by Judge Phineas Mojapelo at the launch of The Judiciary In South Africa
Rights and law: The untold, human stories
Nkandla report in court: Zuma's interest or legal considerations?
Democracy: let the real work begin
The voting process at a glance
Address of Chief Justice at AACCEI Conference, Turkey on 29 April 2014
May the Seventh be with You
Critical thinking: the vital sign more important to democracy than your vote
Elections: how can we level the playing field?
CASAC submission to Parliament on work of its Nkandla committee
Oscar's 'involuntary action': Thin ice, Mr Pistorius
That Nkandla SMS: why it is (legally) complicated
High Court judgment on DA sms about "Zuma stole your money"
The unbearable lightness of being a Nkandla Report critic
Nkandla - unlawful to the last
CASAC statement on Public protector's Nkandla Report
Extract from Nkandla Report: How Zuma stymied investigation
Nkandla Report exposes President Zuma's personal involvement in the project
The Public Protector's Report: Who's got the power and what is at stake
Why EFF election challenge will not fly
Pistorius and the controversial Twitter ruling: questionable at best
Uganda: why quiet diplomacy is a devastating betrayal of gay men and lesbians on the continent
PhD and LLM scholarships in law at UCT
All hail independent thought
JSC Conduct Tribunal statement on Judge Motata
Pistorius on TV: The public's interest vs. the public interest
In the age of consent, the buck stops with Number One
DA vs. ANC: The importance of political tolerance
Campaign fever: the ground rules
Human Rights Commission calls on government to break silence on homophobia
Let's talk about freedom of speech
DAgang's break-up: The finer sticking points
BLA expresses grave concern about use of live ammunition by police
Challenging IPID's appointment: Always a bridesmaid, never a McBride
LRC submission on WOmen's Empowerment And Gender Equality Bill
Civil Society groups reject draft law on women
Democratic internal party processes? Hmmm, unlikely.
Why redress measures are not racist
News flash, folks: private discrimination IS illegal
Water is life, but the struggle for it is deadly
CASAC media statement on killing of Mothutlung protestors
Changing the Constitution? Probably not.
UCT post: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law
Tentative thoughts on reconciliation
Karen Zoid tribute for the late Nelson Mandela
To call Mandela a saint is to dishonour his memory as a fighter against injustice
CASAC Media Statement on the death of Nelson Mandela
South Africa's first democratic President, Nelson Mandela, in his own words
Love me tender: Constitutional Court gives guidance on nullifying tenders
Nkandla scandal: attacking Public Protector must be seen as admission of wrongdoing
What President Zuma told Parliament about the Nkandla "enhancements"
Constitutional Court affirms right of President to confer silk status on advocates
Founding document of Awethu! A People’s Platform for Social Justice
Sonke Health and Human Rights Fellowships
Structural racism: the invisible evil that must be addressed
Human Rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa acquitted in ZImbabwe
E-toll civil disobedience reveals lack of respect for democracy
Is this now a criminal offence?
We recognise sex and gender as classifications, so why not race
Nkandla Report "censorship": It is all about PW Botha's law
Elections are coming: Can we have some substance please
The JSC: It's not all bad and here's why
Equal Education Seminar: Was SA sold out in 1994?
The remembrance and forgetting of things past
Nkandla: Untangling that rather sticky web
Employment Equity: Solidarity case affirms its role in addressing effects of injustice
JSC appoints 7 new female judges
Marikana funding case hints at larger problems with gaining access to justice
Electoral Commission has a duty to treat candidates fairly
Teen sex: The criminal law can't replace parenting
The emotionally charged Hlophe case, revisited
Khayelitsha policing: among the 'shambles' and turf wars, it's the residents who suffer
Media freedom is a right that benefits all
Attempts to discredit Madonsela could backfire
The Mdluli judgment: Nxasana's first big test
Freedom Under Law v NDPP - scathing judgment (in full) against NPA in Mdluli matter
Statement of Marikana Commission on Police cover-up
Sparing the rod: what it really entails
Secrecy Bill: a touch more confusion and a glimmer of hope
Zuma's Secrecy Bill move: maybe not something to celebrate
Hoffman's complaint: why it was dismissed
Freedom of expression - and the quest for a meaningful life
When a joke is not a joke
Qwelane: still a homophobe, but his challenge to hate speech clause is sound
Restoring trust in the Electoral Commission: What happens next?
A vote of no confidence cannot be left to the whim of majority or minority parties
"Of Good Report": Film and Publications Appeals Tribunal judgment
New rules needed to regulate money in politics
FF+ vs. EFF: doomed to fail
Spy Tapes: A clear and simple case
Hell is other people (trolling the Internet)
Mogoeng v Hoffman: Better not to roll around in the mud with the pigs
Women's day - just another day for men to call the shots?
Moment of truth arrives for Arms Deal Commission
Marikana Commission: more questions than answers
Vavi: How many people truly judge others objectively?
Transcript: Chief Justice Mogoeng on the Rule of Law in South Africa
Call for papers: Conference in Honour of Pius Langa at UCT
Pius Langa: a man who knew the meaning of transformation
Full document: Film and Publications Board reasons for banning Of Good Report
Why is Film and Publications Board ignoring Constitutional Court judgment?
Press conference to announce unprecedented global UN public education campaign on gay and lesbian equality
Animal antics and the separation of powers doctrine
UCT Law Faculty applications for Doctoral and Research Master's Programme
Hypocrisy fit for a king
Code of Judicial Conduct for South African Judges
Speech by Chief Justice defending the JSC
Taking a short break from blogging
President Zuma: think before insulting him
Corruption Watch slams "Top Secret" Nkandla Report
Secrecy on Nkandla unlawful and tacky
Equal Education: the Minister doth protest too much
Why Zuma must decide who is king
Barney Pityana's Bram Fisher memorial lecture on judicial transformation
Willing buyer, willing seller works…. if you have a lifetime to wait
Still waiting for Minister Angie Motshekga to announce norms and standards for schools
Between a rock and a hard place for wives in polygynous marriages
Plans announced to beef up LLB degree
Trial by media? No, that's impossible
Pistorius: the horror of a broken (white) body
Prosecuting authority: President Zuma's conflict of interest
Breytenbach: too little fear, favour and prejudice?
The curious case of the pastor punished for honesty
What's that smell? Must be the name droppings
Oh Shucks, there's a Zulu in my curriculum
Nkandla: the National Key Points Act must be ignored
Religious hate speech is still hate speech
City of Cape Town acting like vigilantes and breaching the Rule of Law
New improved Secrecy Bill: still bad, still unconstitutional
Chief Justice speech at annual Stellenboch Law Faculty Human Rights Lecture
Zuma and the Guptas: the "symbiosis" continues
Why "private" businesses cannot discriminate against gays and lesbians
Education: it's about transformation, stupid
Eastern Cape rural schools visit
Boston bombing shows we see the world from US perspective
Time to talk about the appropriate political role of the JSC
LLB and LLM Students: Ismail Mahomed law Reform Essay Competition
Rebranding the DA: Nostalgia for a past that never was
Invitation to Ben Beinart memorial lecture on the right to privacy
Review of Con Court and SCA back on table
Cardinal Napier, why not name the perpetrators?
The JSC must redefine merit to advance judicial transformation
Dating: What does race got to do with it?
Copy of bilateral agreement between the CAR and South Africa
Why Rastafarians can't be fired for wearing dreadlocks
CAR: President Zuma's attack on the dignity of all citizens
On the legality of the continued presence of SA soldiers in the CAR
CAR: where was Parliament?
When is the deployment of our soldiers in another country justified?
CASAC Human Rights Day Statement
Cardinal Napier, you have a moral and legal duty to report sexual abuse
Office of Chief Justice media statement on impending strike by magistrates
Nkandla: Why is the ANC protecting the Emperor who is not wearing any clothes?
Full SCA judgment confirming right of President to bestow "senior counsel" (SC's) honours
MEC who supports the assault of children must surely resign
Training for magistrates on sexual offences and child justice Acts
Why an attempt to stop the racial integration of residences at Maties is legally untenable
The Free Market Foundation's quixotic venture
Do members of traditional communities have any democratic rights?
Ismail Mahomed Law Reform Essay Competition for Law students
Outcry about police brutality sheer hypocrisy
Defamation and social media: We have moved on from Jane Austen
Invitation: Justice Zak Yacoob delivers Claude Leon Human Rights Lecture
14 Women shortlisted by JSC for judcial positions
Judgment: Bheki Cele loses defamation claim against Sowetan
Why justice is not always blind
Oscar Pistorius: Criminal Law 101
JSC schedule for Constitutional Court interviews
Oscar Pistorius and the granting of bail
Oscar Pistorius: why media reporting is not infringing on sub judice rule
Another woman is dead today
Who needs the Ministerial Handbook if you can rely on the (secret) Presidential Manual
What do we really mean when we say "never again"?
Smuts SC: Submission to Parliament on Legal Practice Bill
Sexwale allegations: are we serious about violence against women or not?
Why I won't join the chorus of voices protesting against rape
On Steven Friedman's incoherent conflation of criticism with censorship
Why is Mthethwa trying to stop inquiry into police incompetence?
The influence of money on politics and the media robs us of our dignity
Nkandla: irrational state-sanctioned corruption
Nkandla: it depends on the definition of "corruption"
Reaction to FNB advert like Lady Macbeth's guilty rants
Judicial appointments: The JSC's transformation problem
Why the criminalisation of consensual sexual exploration between teenagers is unconstitutional
Shortlist of candidates for Con Court position
Why there are no authentic Africans, Afrikaners, women or homosexuals
Who must decide on school admissions?
Student Human Rights Essay Contest
Why are South Africans not worried about deployment of troops in a civil war?
On the common sense bigotry of Stephen Mulholland
Free State judgment raises many questions about democracy in the ANC
E-tolling judgment illustrates failure of media and citizens
Blame politics, not communists or the Constitution
Call for action on Khayelitsha Safety Campaign
Why is the DA government advocating lawlessness?
Traditional leaders caught in a colonial time warp
Why Simelane was never appointed and cannot be dismissed
Sometimes "law fare" is needed to protect democracy
Complete judgment of Dennis Davis in vote of no confidence case
What the vote of no confidence judgment really said
Nkandla: why an open and transparent approach is needed
Details of Request to Public Protector to investigate alleged breaches by Jacob Zuma of the Executive Members Ethics Code
Ngobeni complaint against Jeremy Gauntlett
Full transcript of Parliamentary exchange with President Zuma on Nkandla scandal
Where is the grace? Where is the compassion?
In theory, more legal trouble for Zuma
Parody of the JSC
"Does Zuma think money grows on trees"
In a democracy the court of public opinion is king
Some animals are not more equal than others
Arthur Chaskalson on independence of legal profession
What can be done about Nkandlagate?
When will the JSC begin to take transformation seriously?
JSC: Why Gauntlett was not appointed
Affirmative action judgment might be wrong
DGRU judicial appointments database
On blaming the victim
Deputy Speaker flouted rules of Parliament to protect Zuma
Are defenders of Ramaphosa defending formalised corruption?
JSC announces judicial appointment
Crayfish boiling in a pot of Zuma water
Unified opposition maybe not such a bright idea
Vacancy on Constitutional Court
Why the desperation to hide the Zuma spy tapes from us?
School closures law unconstitutional?
Hands off the Public Protector
Once small step for Parliament, one giant leap for Ambrosini
Why the National Key Points Act is unconstitutional and invalid
Constitutional Court invites Zuma to do the right thing
Free media protects the human dignity of all
Nkandla upgrade: the looting of public funds for private enrichment
Malema's money laundering charge: will it stick?
Sharp divisions on the Constitutional Court about the right to strike
Taking Pride in the Separation of Powers Without Prejudice
Court victory for Durban shack dwellers
UCT Law Faculty statement on suspension of SADC Tribunal
Alliance for Rural Democracy slams Department of Justice’s new proposals on the Traditional Courts Bill
Why we must all be upset about the attempts to silence Malema
Is Julius Malema guilty of sedition?
Some religious beliefs are more equal than others
Woolies and the righteous anger of the unfairly privileged
Judicial Conduct Committee statement on JP John Hlophe
NPA problems part of larger one party dominant pathology
Marikana murder charge withdrawal: the first glimmer of sanity
Democratic Left Front statement on charges brought against Marikana miners
Marikana: No common purpose to commit suicide
A marriage made in hell
Statement on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tribunal
Lonmin inquiry: not bad, not bad at all
Terms of Reference for Judicial Commission of Inquiry on the Marikana tragedy
Marikana: Avoidable, unconstitutional… and entirely predictable
FUL Statement on Hlophe's legal costs
Candidates shortlisted for JSC interviews
The Sexuality and Equality in Africa Project: Call for contributions
Text of address by Deputy Chief Justice on anniversary of assassination of Ruth First
Now is indeed the time to ask the most difficult questions
Some thoughts on the Marikana massacre
E-tolling and the separation of powers doctrine
Towards a Parliament for the People
"Hooligans" not the only ones who are responsible for women's oppression
Between a rock and a hard place, indeed
Claude Leon Lecture Invitation
When our government obstructs transformation, the courts must intervene
Maybe it's spelt M-a-n-g-a-u-n-g?
NEC should not conflate the party and the state
How to give lawyers a bad name
Why are cabinet ministers above the law?
Murder in the wild North West
Calling prospective doctoral students
Selebi release was legallly sound
On Employment Equity and regional demograhics
Inaugural lecture by Professor Wouter de Vos: Is a Class Action a 'Classy Act' to Implement outside the Ambit of the Constitution?
And what is our government doing (about education)?
Should we criminalise racism in South Africa?
How not to engage in a battle of ideas
Nasty, brutish and short
When will the political interference stop?
Social cohesion, yes, but "unity", never
Some platitudes on returning to South Africa
Juju's chair
Of hospitality
Thoughtlessness and reflective judgment in democracy
The Freedom Charter turns 57
On postmodernism and critical legal theory
Marx, nationalisation and education
Authority and its discontents
Announcing a guest blogger for the next two weeks
Protests may just have become more expensive
Keep your neighbours happy
On the yearning for a more compliant judiciary
The Secrecy Bill: taking stock of recent developments
Calling talented prospective black law students
Who was responsible for the orchestrated attempt to protect Mdluli?
The silence of the lambs
In "The Time of the Vulture" we need to pay our judges well
Trying to censor the internet is neither legal nor rational
Speech by Mosiuoa Lekota during President Zuma's budget vote
ANC complaint to Public Protector about Western Cape tender
The Spear asks many questions, also about our view of human dignity
Can the Hawks be independent and subject to political control?
Traditional Courts Bill" Alliance For Rural Democracy
Unpacking the legal arguments in The Spear case
Why embracing progressive social values can set us free from anger and hatred
On the real immorality of our society
Zuma affidavit in the willygate case
How to respond to art (hint: not with threats of censorship)
On the President, his penis, and bizarre attempts to censor a work of art
FUL's founding affidavit on Mdluli case
Cosatu leads an attack on democracy
Call for submissions to arms deal inquiry
DA, why not admit wrongdoing and move on?
Podcast of DCJ Moseneke lecture at Georgetown University
Internships at Human Rights Commission
FW de Klerk reveals dark underbelly of white South Africa
Shortlisted names for appointment to the Constitutional Court
A note on Afrikaners and tribalism
Chief Justice statement on death of Cabinet Minister
Some thoughts of the rise of traditional leaders
Roundtable on Race-based admissions at UCT
ANC rejects Holomisa's statement on gays and lesbians
Affirming their own moral inferiority
Who is being brave?
On Freedom Day
Freedom is about more than the freedom to die of hunger
Corruption and political expediency - an illustrated guide
Pierre de Vos: Taking risks, taking responsibility: on whiteness and full citizenship under the South African Constitution
How to make an ASA of yourself
What will happen to Minister Mthethwa?
"Anti-majoritarian liberals" have a right to speak up like everyone else
Great Texts/ Big Questions - 19 April 2012
What will we learn from NPA record on Zuma prosecution?
Civil society groups oppose Traditional Courts Bill
What is to be done about the SABC?
Pardoning criminals not such a good idea, Mr President
Calling all law students….
R100 000 prize for anti-corruption proposal
Today they come for Malema.....
On self-serving and untrue criticisms of the judiciary
Selling horse droppings as figs
JSC will (finally) have to make a decision on Hlophe
Democratic Left statement on ANC-SACP pro-Secrecy Bill march
A word on identity and classification
Assessment of judiciary represents a retreat for reactionary forces in government
Terms of Reference for Con Court (and SCA) review
Another unconstitutional law on the horizon?
Pierre de Vos: memo on SA Police Service Amendment Bill
On changing the Constitution
A worrying attack on the Rule of Law
How can we solve problems with our electoral system?
There was no coup to oust Mbeki
Office of Chief Justice Media statement on "Leadership Conference"
The good news from "Dr" Molapo and "Dr" Maxwell
Justice Zac Yacoob on the "Dynamic Constitution"
Chief Justice instructs judges to attend Christian leadership money spinner
Surprising insights on transformation from the Constitutional Court
On "bribery" scandals and intelligence services
Another blow to the credibility of the JSC?
JSC announcemnt on shortlisting of judicial candidates
Thoughts on scapegoating and endemic corruption
A re-think on the Provinces?
Democratic left Front on Nzimande's "red herring" attack on liberalism
Oslo Declaration on HIV criminalisation
Another brilliant idea by our political youngsters
Julius Malema expelled: the NDC ruling
Mixed signals on the review of our courts
Media Statement by Minister Radebe about Con Court "Review"
Why so little trust in the judiciary?
On corrective measures in the Western Cape
Bizos & Kerfoot: LRC submission on Secrecy Bill
A secret arms deal whitewash?
Feedback meeting on Cop17 in Cape Town
The historical amnesia of Pieter Mulder
Statement on Ugandan anti-homosexuality Bill
High Court orders Home Affairs to re-open Refugee Reception Office
A 75% majority needed to amend powers of Constitutional Court?
Black lawyers Association on "review" of Con Court powers
Thabo Mbeki Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture
Why the Traditional Courts Bill might be unconstitutional
Democratic Left Front statement on Traditional Courts Bill
An unambiguous attack on constitutional democracy
Democrtatic Left Front supports Cosatu Strike
Should we be conferring titles on advocates?
BLA statement on disclosure by judges
On accountability, transparency and the "bribing" of journalists
Spinning out of control
Malema verdict might not be something to celebrate
Julius Malema appeals verdict
Silence = Death
`ANC presentation on regulation of the Press
Secrecy Bill less about media freedom, more about national security state
Siessa Patricia!
Former Chief Justice Arthur Chaskalson - "Without fear, favour or prejudice: the courts, the constitution and transformation"
Law, politics and party disciplinary processes
On race and sex and unexamined assumptions
Time to stop paying traditional leaders?
SANDU media statment about deployment of soldiers
On the tragic brilliance of Thabo Mbeki
Why a ten year old agreement cannot authorise deployment of soldiers in our cities
Can Mbeki make a comeback?
Why are soldiers patrolling the streets of Cape Town?
Should we always trust officials who remove children from their parents?
When silence should not be an option
The ANC's centenary celebrations and internal party democracy
Get up, stand up for your rights!
Another legal oversight by the President?
Chief Justice on passing of JP Fikile Bam
The end of the year
How long will Heath last?
The perils of criticising a court judgment
Thabo Mbeki responds to allegations by Willem heath
Lest we forget
Constitutional Court in Bapsfontein shuffle
Can the government intervene in Limpopo?
Civil Society statement on attacks on the judiciary
Jackie Selebi is finish and klaar
Casac statement on Menzi Simelane ruling of SCA
"No one is above the law"
SCA judgment declaring Menzi Simelane appointment invalid
Nigerian Senate votes for draconian anti-gay law
Statement of CASAC on Willem Heath appointment as head of SIU
Should a court help to make the state's case for secrecy?
Constitutional Court once again to the rescue of workers
Constitutional Court more pro-poor than the government
Cabinet Statement on "transformation of judicial system"
How to fix the Secrecy Bill and make it constitutionally compliant
Transcript of Secrecy BiIll Parliamentary Proceedings
Justice Kate O'Regan's Helen Suzman Memorial Lecture
ANC Wikipedia Page - "After the Secrecy Bill"
CASAC statement on Secrecy Bill
The "Pinkwashing" of Israel
Who can we trust?
The (moral) Wasteland
Maybe he is just a very bad spin doctor....
Mail & Guardian case raises difficult questions
Whiteliness strikes again
Why historical context still matters in South Africa
Chief Justice of Kenya: The First 120 days
Geoff Budlender Bram Fisher Memorial Lecture
You strike a pig, you strike a Broederbonder
Malema disciplinary ruling
Why Julius Malema's only hope is a "political solution"
Helen Zille, the HIV populist
Why the taalbulle will destroy Afrikaans
Why no human rights culture in the Police Service?
Why Zuma cannot appoint Evita Bezuidenhout as NDPP
On freedom of expression and the censorship of magazines
Is it in the public interest to reveal details of the sex lives of politicians?
Terms of reference of arms deal inquiry shows good political "management"
Now angels can't even have sexual feelings
Why Zuma's moves may be unlawful
CASAC welcomes President Zuma's announcement
Announcement by President Jacob Zuma on cabinet reshuffle and inquiries
On "Indians", "Africans" and a lack of emotional intelligence
What shall we do about the Reverend?
Money is not an issue (so let them eat cake)
No more dithering: a constitutional duty to make a decision
UCLA Law - Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship
New York Times: SA slips from moral high ground
About the lying Minister and the dithering President
About family fights and transformative constitutionalism
Invite: CC Clerks Alumni Association lecture series
Russia, HIV and drug use - Stephen Lewis
Why define myself as part of an "Afrikaner" minority?
What is going on in Swaziland?
A problematic limitation on the right to freedom of assembly
Can Parliament censor journalists?
Another legal lesson for the JSC
Revisiting "whiteness"
New Electoral Commission members announced
DA policy on affirmative action
Will the DA stick to its stated principles?
Concourt arms deal case was always a long shot
On Heritage Day
Why it is in interest of the ANC for the Minister of Public Works to resign
Open Government Declaration endorsed by South Africa
Equal Education town hall at Open Book week in Cape Town
Mr Landers, a public interest defence is possible and widely accepted in democracies
Invite to Lecture by DCJ Dikgang Moseneke
Why the Secrecy Bill is probably (still) unconstitutional
Will the arms deal inquiry be "sound" or will it get to the truth?
About the "Boksburg Bomber" and the "entanglement of colours"
Stop Secrecy Bill - march to Parlaiment on 17 September
Dikgang Moseneke to speak on balance between will of the people and supremacy of the Constitution
Malema judgment: A re-think on hate speech needed
The difficult choices facing Chief Justice Mogoeng
The plot to spite our President
Why the Constitution is not a conservative document
Invitation to inaugural Lecture of Pierre de Vos
A tale of two judges
Interview with justice Mogoeng - live blog
Why Ramatlhodi promotes an autokratic kleptocracy
Submission on Mogoeng's handling of child sexual abuse cases
Hold off with the schadenfreugasms
Call to LGBT community to attend Mogoeng interview on Saturday
NADEL submission on Justice Mogoeng
Justice Mogoeng's "application" form for Chief Justice
US Law Professors on Mogoeng
FUL proposes changes to appointment of Chief Justice
What we talk about when we talk about transformation
On the right to property
A shallow argument not entirely based on the facts
FW de Klerk Foundation responds to wealth tax comments
On the objectivity of analysts: Bishop Clyde N Ramalaine
Justice Mogoeng's judgment in partner abuse case
What happened to reasoned debate?
Surely Mantashe must know better?
Full Sowetan interview with Gwede Mantashe
Transcript of JSC interview with Justice Mogoeng 2009
Khulumani welcomes call for a wealth tax
Pretoria Centre for Human Rights expresses surprise at Chief Justice "nomination"
Presidency correct but misses the point on Chief Justice
Presidency "corrects inaccuracies" in debate on Chief Justice
Justice Mogoeng - an unwise decision
Correction of SABC report by DCJ Moseneke
Where are you going to stand, my fellow white South Africans?
Why provinces have little real power but huge responsibilities
Shrien Dewani ruling
Parliament cannot change Public Protector's report, so why bother?
Who will guard the guardians?
Why those punting "the radical middle way" are often not heard
A vile attack on a successful black woman
On the appointment of a Chief Justice
A ringing endorsement of judicial independence
ANC Chief Whip gets it wrong (again)
Government dropped the ball on Chief Justice
On the political brilliance of Julius Malema
Malema, our own Paris Hilton: "Rebel with a trust fund"?
Chief Justice Letter to President Zuma
Julius Malema: the bourgeois, capitalist, libertarian?
ANC Youth League: Why Motlanthe should be President?
What now for the Chief Justice?
Abahlali baseMjondolo 12 acquitted: statement
Don't hide behind (non-existent) sub judice rule
Why did this happen?
Political parties must be more open and democratic
Greed, corruption or incompetence?
President Zuma and the separation of powers
Speech of Chief Justice at Access to Justice Conference
President Zuma's keynote address to access to justice conference
Should our Constitutional Court become an apex court?
Why big business do not speak up?
On the use of force by the SAPS
CASAC statement on Public Protector
Who will believe this?
FUL talk with Justice Ariranga Pillay on SADC Tribunal suspension
On the Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Bill
Why President Zuma is like Tretchikoff
Time for litigation on education?
The past is very much part of the present
Letter to Business Day on UCT admissions policy
Book Announcement: Fanonian Practices in South Africa: From Steve Biko to Abahlali baseMjondolo
On being white and feeling ashamed
RICA: Is it unconstitutional?
A dirty little secret
Julius, you don't need to change the Constitution
Too few nominations for Judicial Posts: JSC
Lesbian and Gay Equality Project welcomes SA's UN moves on sexual orientation
How to solve the problem with the term of the Chief Justice
Manyi's adspent plan probably unconstitutional and illegal
CASAC to challenge extension of CJ's term of office
A sense of justice and common sense needed
On the World Cup and our Constitution
CASAC joins challenge to extension of term of office of Chief Justice
Judges must keep their cool
On the term of office of the Chief Justice
Open letter to mayor Patricia de Lille
Why is President Zuma not signing this Bill?
My heart says hate speech but my head is not sure
"Truth and deceit know no status or occupation"
Equality Court Judgement against Jon Qwelane
Let me tell you a secret.....
A recipe for impunity
On Egypt and South Africa
What now for Judge Aikona Motata?
US Supreme Court judges and their writing styles
And the winner is.....
More thoughts on election results
Election results update
About "unknown unknowns" and hate speech
SAHRC finding against Moqhaka Municipality on open toilets
What about the "Steve Hofmeyer" vote?
Notes on the "toilet election"
Where's the helicopter, I am going to miss my deadline?
Dancing on the grave of apartheid
9th Victoria and Griffiths Mxenge Memorial Lecture: Justice Zack Yacoob
A positive duty to protect sexual minorities
When people are treated as ideological tools
Job Vacancy: Director of Centre for Comparative Law in Africa - UCT
On Freedom Day
An easy solution to the Hlophe appeal problem
Sifuna iitoilet ezikhuselekileyo, ezicocekileyo nezinika isidima
When a legal representative makes the case for the opponent
JSC announcement on judicial appointments
On Lady DA-DA and the shower head man
CASAC media statement on death of Andries Tatane
Kill the boer: the ANC was against it before it was in favour of it
SJC to Queue for clean and safe sanitation
SAPS becoming a threat to our democracy?
People's Summit for Quality Education
On banks, judges and the right to housing
Letter by Ms Gundwana relating to the sale of her house
Access the Ministerial Handbook here
IDASA media release on Minister Shiceka
The Good Book leads the way, Halleluja!
Chief Justice Statement of death of Judge Herbert Msimang
About remembering and forgetting
On Zimbabwe, foreign policy and the limits of the law
Mduli's conspiracy claim vindicates ConCourt
Finally the truth might be revealed
Newsflash: SCA rules against JSC
Should the President extend the term of the Chief Justice?
How not to criticise a court judgment
Primedia response to Bill of Responsibilities
What a load of dangerous nonsense
Equal Education needs your help
Breaching the Constitution not always due to bad faith
Scorpions was not truly independent
Glenister: A monumental judgment in defence of the poor
CASAC "red card corruption" campaign launched
The silence of Justice Mogoeng
Dreadlocks at school must be allowed
Is the reasonable person a homophobic prude?
Political parties vs constitutional democracy
Reading Manuel's letter like eating a koeksister
People who never let you down
A rethink on race?
Trevor Manuel: What did YOU do during the war Jimmy?
Gareth is (still) very cross (and morally outraged, too)
Equal Education late-coming campaign to be launched by Zwelenzima Vavi
On selling arms to the Brother Leader Gaddafi
Manyi was just being honest
Policegate: the unanswered questions
Begging voters to vote for the DA
No demonstrations in Parliament please
"How very dare you!"
Are we really free?
Crisis in EC Education Picket at Parliament: 17 February
On Bono's instinct for what is right and wrong
"Do as we say not as we do"?
Who is scared of the Princess (and her disbarred sidekick)?
On irony in politics
Further reflections on academic criticism of courts
Read Hope Scholarship for Law Students
NADEL meeting on Russel Tribunal on Palestine
Toolkit for Action for Optional Protocol to ICESCR
The Empire Strikes Back
Jeremy Gauntlett: speech to law teachers
No ethical standards
Why a free flow of information is important
Frene Ginwala speech to CASAC
CASAC media statement
Social Justice Coalition statement on murder of David Kato
Will SABC ever regain any credibility?
Who guards the guards?
A decision to promote an impartial civil service
Vishwas Satgar: Reclaiming a Vision of Hope and a Life of Dignity: Neoliberal South Africa and the Narrowing of Democratic Space
Parliamentary briefing on Code of Judicial Conduct
The Bengal Tiger meows again
24 January in Cape Town: SA, Germany and the living Constitution
Insurance for a rainy day?
Minister and her advisors must calm down
Founding affidavit on behalf of the Minister of Defence
Press release from "Spud Milton" and Penguin Books
On "Spud", laughter and "political correctness"
A picture tells a thousand words
Charm or intimidate?
NPA Code is a good first step
Code of Conduct for SA prosecutors
Clutching at straws?
UK Civil Service Code
Never stop laughing
Merry Christmas
Letter from Justice Edwin Cameron to the producer of Spud The Movie
Should Freedom Under Law appeal the Hlophe judgment?
South Africa reverses anti-gay stance at UN
This defamation case is not going anywhere
Homophobia in Ghana
A good day for open and accountable government (sort of)
State security and drug trafficing
On Frida Kahlo, Leon Trotsky and Blade Nzimande
Giving credit where credit is due
The ANC and provincial government
On the The New Age
Random thoughts at an airport
World Aids Day
Was this corruption, callousness (or both)?
On the legalisation of public debate
Hiding in a cave
Is this emperor wearing any clothes?
On the duty to investigate tender fronting and fraud
DA: SA's UN vote a setback for advancement of gay rights
Law Society bemoans "lack of basic skills" of law graduates
On banks and home evictions
CASAC letter to Adv Menzi SImelane on Jules case
On the Jules High School case
There is no right to be presumed innocent
On public opinion and the Constitutional Court
On punishing the poor for not paying rates
A leap of logic and a leap of faith
Another personal attack on an independent institution
Judge Kathy Satchwell on the state of South Gauteng High Court
When loyalty becomes a threat to society - S'bu Zikode
Thanks goodness for our Bill of Rights
Braamfontein = 1 : Bloemfontein = 0
The astonishing self-denial of Sunette Bridges
"Regime change?" - No it's called democracy
Prof Fagan responds (again)
On Woolworths and freedom of conscience
Another email exchange (sort of)
Sadly no one has a right to party (or to a job)
Email exchange between Anton Fagan and Pierre de Vos
On shooting the messenger and cadre deployment
City of Cape Town Makhaza toilet scandal report
Premier Helen Zille trying to change the subject on the Makhaza/Janet Love scandal
HBS publication on homosexuality in Africa
Why the right to privacy is like an onion
Dick Cheney = Siyabonga Cwele?
Right2Know week of action
Dan Plato's Republic and the chamber of secrets
JSC announces new judicial appointments
Open letter to Premier Helen Zille on Janet Love
The New Age needs you....
SJC picket demanding City of Cape Town release "secret" Makhaza toilet report
The past is unpredictable
On euthanasia
"We can never forgive black South Africans for apartheid"
Is it all the fault of Julius and the racist whites?
Stop the Secrecy Bill - Week of action
(Not even) the Queen Bee is above the law
About glue and superglue
Freedom of speech for Afriforum?
Don't rely on courts to save our democracy
Time for a tea break comrades, but where did that building disappear to?
On going to school in a mud hut
On the local government elections
JSC judicial appointments interview schedule: 4-15 October
1st Human Rights Indaba at North West University
Can the police search your car without a warrant?
Blaming the victim
Zuma the patriarch versus ANC gender equality
Should we throw Helen Zille in jail?
New book: Heinz Klug - The Constitution of South Africa: A Contextual analysis
Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo Claude Leon Lecture
Political cowboy capitalism
Advancing the Constitution through social and economic rights
Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC)
Princess Sisulu = 1 : Nyami Booi = 0
Criteria used by JSC when considering judicial appointments
A call for electoral reform: Politicsweb
MP's now protected from whistle blowing
New article by Sujit Choudhry on Dominant Party Democracy in SA
Mass Rally on 25 September on informal settlement strike in western Cape
WWYHD: "What would you have done?"
Freedom of assembly or freedom to riot?
Amnesty International Job: Sexual orientation and gender researcher
COSATU CEC Political Discussion Paper September 2010
Invitation: Public Lecture by Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo
In defense of the Internet
Who is digging a big hole for itself?
Don't say goodbey to NCOP yet
Weekend breather
Cutting and pasting judicial decisions
Invitation to a Public Lecture by Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo
Open Democracy interview With Pierre de Vos on media Freedom
More thoughts on Blade and the cabinet
Support the 2010 Ntaba ka Ndoda Heritage Festival
JSC: Shortlisted candidates for judicial appointment
Time for a rethink on marriage, my China
Champagne socialism at its best
The Windows of Heaven (and your wallets) are open!
Why Steven Friedman is wrong
SABC Board Memorandum to Minister
On race, transformation and freedom of testation
Media Appeals Tribunal - circa 1977
Access to Justice Week: Invitation
The ANC is not the state
Why now?
Would Media Appeals Tribunal be constitutional?
Pierre de Vos: Harold Wolpe Trust talk on Protection of Information Bill
The return of fake morality?
Pallo Jordan on racism, "transformation" and the DA
Why the Hawks?
Defend and Advance Media Freedom
What do we talk about when we talk about "transformation"?
Boiled chickens pretending to be plumed peacocks
Somewhere in the wild, wild, East
Ronald Dworkin on Elena Kagan
More questions for Mbeki on Selebi
Legal opinion to Minister of Defence
The Princess and the moon
Isn't it all a bit too easy?
Do as we say, not as we do?
Who could have made up this stuff?
Shock and awe at Parliament Street
On by-election results
Sleepwalking through an empty life
Scholarships: LLM in human Rights and Democratisation in Africa
Nyanda: Maybe immoral AND illegal after all
Immoral, greedy and callous
Isis Legal Clinic: Donate to make equality a reality for all
Ten countries.... and counting
Christine, give them hell!
How to mock a racist
The ANC, human dignity and freedom of the media
Mark Gevisser in The Guardian: "We did it"!
What now for Menzi Simelane?
On World Cup Courts and the prosecution of "criminals"
On corruption in South Africa
The story of Selinah: WWMS?°
Selebi conviction leaves many questions unanswered
"Get over it!" - the wonderful world of Justice Scalia
Bad day for journalists and politicians
What have Tweedledum and Tweedledee been up to?
Time for rethink on traditional leaders
Discrimination is indivisible
MSF Soccer game for HIV awareness
On one magic moment of the World Cup
Legal action on lack of textbooks?
Human Rights Commission pro-poor stance must be applauded
On "unfair discrimination" and Afrikaans
On the Fifa World Cup by-laws
On Vuvuzela's and cultural imperialism
Picking your nose with your big toe?
Not a day for an argument
World Cup guide to South Africa (part 1)
Another twist in Zuma corruption case?
New York Times: Zuma's unfulfilled promise
Newsflash: sex workers also have dignity
Fifa World Cup: Feel it, it is here (then shut up)
"I told you so"
On lies, self-defense and Israeli impunity
Secrecy is the enemy of democracy
On by-elections and disillusionment with the ANC
Amnesty International Human Rights Report on South Africa
National campaign for School Libraries march on
Not the South of France
Public lecture by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe on the occasion of the 47th Africa Day celebration
Zapiro, freedom of speech and the Burka
Why extend the terms of Constitutional Court judges?
Zuma: He is fit and proper because I say so - now shut up
Book announcement on socio-economic rights
Why do I have to drive past Oswald Pirow Drive?
Debate invitation: "The Constitution does not reflect the moral views of the majority"
Anti-intellectual South Africa deserves the media it has
Legal Practice Bill
Practice Directions from the Chief Justice
No blood-filled dreams of dread
Sad reflection on SA media
But what about the alleged corruption?
Proposals, Grants and Awards
Employment opportunities in NGO sector
Radebe cannot tell Simelane what to do
More power for the provinces?
On torture and human dignity
The office of the President: a magnificent colonial building?
Section 27: New Human Rights organisation launched
Invitation for Public Submissions by Constitutional Review Committee
On corruption and solidarity
Eastern Cape JP retires after fine career of firsts
The princess and co-operative government
Selebi case: "The dog ate his homework"
On Constitutional Law exam drafting - Prof Ruthann Robson
Kleptocratic greed masquarading as high principle?
Where are all the women judges?
On the princess, her advisors and contempt for democracy
On judicial appointments
The ANC, Julius Malema and the NDC
Hlophe: Here we go again
What makes a good judge?
Report of the disciplinary committee in Adv Seth Nthai case
Announcement: Book on Queer Theory
Is Terreblanche's church allowed to discriminate?
Blue light bullies: often illegal
Call for papers: Ten years after Grootboom
What now for Jackie Selebi
What should come next?
Announcement: Good governance in Land Tenure Conference
PW Botha = Julius Malema?
The end of democracy?
A secret trial for Terreblanche accused?
Wake up and worry about the real threats to our democracy
Malema in contempt of court?
Why the hate speech provisions may be unconstitutional
Is everyone going completely mad?
R.I.P. National Prosecuting Authority?
On the curious case of "shooting the boer"
So who are the perverts?
On "hate speech" as a diversionary tactic
What we talk about when we talk about accountability
Stand for Sanitation, Safety and Dignity
Simelane comes through for the ANC
Minister Sisulu and the US judicial system
Why the silence from good ANC members?
On freedom of assembly
Why Malema's hate speech judgment is wrong
Don't blame the Constitution
Call for endorsements of declaration on Ugana anti-homosexuality Bill
Idasa Democracy Index now available
On hate speech and a phone call from prison
End Hate Alliance demands justice for Zoliswa Nkonyana
Great start President Zuma, but there are many more questions to be answered
Moral code? Nah, let's rather get rich quick and oppress women and gays
Jacob Zuma has flouted ethics rules before
Call for endorsements: Support equal education
Why is Zuma flouting the law?
Jeff Radebe (LLM Leipzig) got it wrong again
Be afraid, be very afraid
The past is very unpredictable and may not exist
Shameless canvassing for votes. . .
On the limits of affirmative action
Making fun of conspiracies....
Selebi's Zuma option
"Just trust me?" Maybe not....
What now for Shaik and De Kock?
Sue? Nah, never
Julius: So many questions and so few answers
Appointment of Judge MM Joffe as the Director of the newly established South African Judicial Education Institute
Julius Malema and the non-denial
Radebe (LLM Leipzig) strikes again
Statement from the Synod of Anglican Bishops on homophobia
Road rage drivers beware
Helen Zille responds
Gareth is very, very cross...
Zanna Bliss - Made in China for the World Cup
Daniel Mackintosh - The conditionality of human rights in Israel and Palestine
Privacy for "us", but not for "them"?
On Nelson Mandela
Jacob Zuma's promises come back to haunt him
On precedent and Mr Von Abo
Mpshe's appointment: scandalous attack on independence of the judiciary
Protest action: John Qwelane
Zapiro on President Jacob Zuma
Let's stand up against the racists and the Kebbilists!
Did the President lie about his "wives"?
Twenty children and counting
Cwele should step aside
Post graduate scholarship to study rule of law, constitutionalism or governance
Fifa World Cup: bad for human rights?
Nationalisation of the Reserve Bank?
Gilad Issacs: "Justice, not charity, for Haiti"
More questions on the AbaThembu King
NB! - Please sign Uganda Homosexuality Bill petition!
BLA in need of a PR makeover?
A lot of hot air about section 205
Open letter to President Jacob Zuma
Médecins Sans Frontières Haiti appeal for help
Why no investigation of the "abuse of power" by NPA
Jaco Barnard-Naudé - A response to Prof Kader Asmal
Michael Osborne - No immunity for multinationals implicated in apartheid crimes
Why the Rule of Law matters
Prof Sylvia Tamale: A Human Rights assessment of the anti-homosexuality Bill in Uganda
A short lesson on Presidential pardons
Jaco Barnard-Naudé: Reparations for big business collusion with apartheid overdue
Our own Sarah Palin?
JSC announcement: judicial vacancies
Same-sex marriage case gets under way in California
Malachi v Cape Dance Academy and Others
Urgently wanted: judicial training
Why all the fear, paranoia and distrust?
Book announcement: "Walk with us and listen: Political reconciliation in Africa"
Can the abaThembu secede from South Africa?
SA 'income-based' education system perpetuates inequality
Further thoughts on polygamy
Is polygamy unconstitutional?
What went right in 2009
Happy holidays everyone
President chameleon
On reasonable accommodation
Manto Tshabalala-Msimang: In her own words
New York Times: Holiday of white conquest persists in South Africa
About "African culture", colonialism and bigotry
Medical Miracles (ad infinitum)
The politics of patronage: Political Report of SACP Committee to the Special Congress
The dark side of the Fifa World Cup?
Ruling elite not interested in democracy or the Rule of Law?
Jonny Steinberg: A suspiciously speedy plunge to ignominy for Thabo Mbeki
On fingerprints and the right to privacy
In a democracy, suckers will be sucked
Deadlines for comment to various legislative amendments
Press conference on sexual terror in Zimbabwe
Pulling a Menzi Simelane
Simelane: more unanswered questions
World Aids Day
Apology to President Zuma
Our own Minister Ras Dumisani
What would Simelane NOT do to protect the President from prosecution?
Why Menzi Simelane is a liar
Neither fit nor proper
Kill the beasts - but only if they are not cute
Either/Or - The New Yorker on the Caster Semenya saga
Pikoli, the NPA and the R7.5 million
Moseneke story still no scandal
Concerned African Scholars Publication - The Politics of Jacob Zuma
Privacy? Security? Oh ple-e-ease!
On Julius Malema, HIV and democracy
Moseneke, the M&G and judicial ethics
If we start killing our own people we all lose
"The Beast", the Rule of Law and petty politics
“Talking past each other? Race in legal academia, practice and on the Bench” - The Wits Law School invites you to attend a panel discussion on Thursday 26th November 2009 at 17:00.
Abongile Sipondo: An analysis of the appointment of SAHR Commissioners
Shoot to kill? Maybe some good will come of it
Kgomotso Moroka: Transformation of the organised advocates' profession an urgent necessity
Zuma spy tapes: will anyone be prosecuted?
208 090 reasons to limit fireararm posession
"Integrity in Public Life - Dr Mamphela Ramphele Helen Suzman Lecture
Return of the Groot Krokodil?
Cape Town a racist city?
Wanted: a culture of accountable democracy
Mushwana is greedy and shameful and should be shunned
The end of denialism - address by President Jacob Zuma to NCOP on HIV/AIDS
Jackie Selebi's recusal application
What is Miss Jackie up to?
Alleged ANCYL hate speech calls for swift action
CSD SEMINAR - Democracy under Threat?: What attacks on grassroots activists mean for our politics
UP Centre for Human Rights - Ugandan anti-homosexuality Bill should not be adopted
Guns kill people (with a little help of the people who own them)
Mbeki, "objective reality" and the truth
Same-sex hand holding (Sshh) day - 31 October 2009
Arms deal chickens coming home to roost?
Jansen's Reitz decision: an attack on the Rule of Law?
Call for Papers or Participation - Legal Challenges to Regional Co-operation: The African and European Perspectives
Answering affidavit of Mokothedi Mpshe in the Zuma review application
Shaik pardon: unwise but not illegal?
What is our commitment to transformation?
Its all a matter of credibility
Invitation to African Human Rights Day Celebration on 21 October 2009
"Afrikaners is (not) plesierig"?
Water is life (but life is cheap)
Why the Rule of Law is not only important for the rich
Abahlali baseMjondolo: "Our Movement is under attack"
Where is President Zuma?
LGBTI NGO Internship offered - work from home possible!
Public Lecture by Justice Yvonne Mokgoro on 13 October 2009
Berlusconi + Zuma = Politicians
Constitutional Court tries to fix its own balls-up
Why is Jackie Selebi's putting on such a curious defense?
Shaiking all over
Well done, ANC. Now get rid of Travelgate crooks
JSC, Minister doth protest too much
ANC, walk the walk on corruption!
Transcript: CCN's Christiane Amanpour interviews President Jacob Zuma on 25/09/09
ANC disciplinary steps against Travelgate MPs?
Call for papers - 50 years of Human Rights Activism: Comemorating Sharpville
Human Rights Commission appointments not up to scratch
Jabu Khuluse of Justife for Hlophe Alliance: We did not work in tandem with Hlophe JP
Medical Miracles (IV)
Not a bad list - all things considered
Do we have freedom of concience and religion at public schools?
Why John Hlophe will not be appointed
No place for Judge who has contempt for gay men, lesbians and HIV positive South Africans Zackie Achmat
Incredible, ridiculous, dangerous
Who is advising the Minister of Defence?
On silence, patronising interventions and the duty to speak out
Ramatlhodi - Rule of Law deployed as sword to decapitate the JSC
Just a jump to the right?
How to defend the indefensible
On public morality, law and death
Do we need a jury system?
Justice Sotomayor: The Unjust Hearings - Ronald Dworkin
Thando Ntelemza: Balancing transformation of the judiciary and judicial independence - a response to Justice Kriegler
Sanity and humanity prevails - for now
Mowbray, Kaap IS scary - if you are black
The death of Dingaan Nyathi was not in vain - Paul Hoffman SC
Where was Zille?
Unisa trans-border commercial law workshop
On acting "arbitrarily and capriciously"
RDK waak nie oor Regbank - UP Dekaan Christoff Heyns
Haikona Motata (III)
Can Judicial Independence Survive Transformation? - A public lecture delivered by Judge Johann Kriegler at the Wits School of Law
Not lazy, just callous and disrespectful of the Constitution
Hlophe: what happens now?
Majority decision of the JSC in the Hlophe matter - 28 August 2009
A sad day for our judiciary and the JSC
Hlophe a free man?
Mahmood Mamdani: Lessons of Zimbabwe
Constitutionally Speaking is expanding
Constitutional Eighteenth Amendment Bill: Parliamentary Submission
Book News: The Constitution in the Classroom
Julius, where are you when we need you?
Has Gwede Mantashe and Co taken its toll on our judiciary?
R.I.P. Human Rights Commission?
Opposition parties shoot themselves in the foot
On sex, gender, sexual orientation and a world champion
Do you support the Constitutional Court?
SAPS shows how not to implement "affirmative action"
On Amnesty and its consequences
Animal cruelty and ethical double standards
Black racism or black prejudice and bigotry?
Pikoli = 1: President of the RSA = 0
No Shaiking the truth
No justice for black lesbians?
Ethics guidelines are so September 10
Too early to tell?
Chief Justice appointment imminent?
Can one buy food from "The Markets"?
The Public Protector in the dog box
Innocent until proven guilty - but only when you are a politician
Weekend breather
Can the judges of the Constitutional Court be impeached?
On good governance and burning tyres
Con Court "shortlist" avoids tough questions
What do we talk about when we talk about "transformation"?
Who will be our next Chief Justice?
On judicial ethics
A tale of two interviews at the JSC
Medical Miracles (III)
On democracy and criticism
"Nomination" of Hlophe is an insult to our President
Spare us from the US Bloviators
Yes, we should "Africanise" our law
New JSC appointments bad news for Hlophe?
ANC trying to "load" the JSC?
Why are Equality Courts closing down?
Please drop this crazy idea, Minister Radebe
President Zuma hits (almost) all the right notes on the judiciary
Self-indulgent? You betcha!
The Rule of Law and "conflicts of interests"
How others see us
On (judicial) transformation, racism, bigotry and power
What now for Provinces?
Retired Chief Justice Chaskalson speaks
So WHO indeed must serve on our highest court?
On debate, analysis and "objectivity"
Surprise! Paul Ngobeni is a liar
Medical Miracles (II)
Why do people (still) support John Hlophe?
Competition! Who should serve on the Constitutional Court?
Joe Slovo case: the good, the bad and the (mostly) unstated
Jacob Zuma the charmer, can it last?
A (partial) victory for Joe Slovo residents
Subverting constitutional democracy, one step at a time
Without access to court there is no Rule of Law
The irritating Mr Ramatlhodi
Dissolve the people and elect another?
A sick note saves the day for Hlophe (sort of)
When are 11 judges not the "Constitutional Court"?
Thabo Mbeki's strange relationship with the truth continues
David Bullard's weird view of press freedom
Appointments to the Constitutional Court
Medical miracles (I)
FW De Klerk needs a lesson on the Constitution
Cosatu can do better
A (short) lesson for our Minister of Justice on the Rule of Law
"I did have national security with that man"
Oh dear, Hlophe might win this round
Madness descends on the Western Cape
Ministers in the Presidency unconstitutional?
On Opposition
Mpshe was wrong to drop Zuma charges says plagiarised judge
Positions, positions, positions?
Pardons for apartheid crimes: must the President hear the victims?
Electoral system in need of a change
The JSC's Hlophe dilemma
The Scorpions saga continues, but to no avail?
Jacob Zuma's National Assembly problem?
Happy freedom day: respect the human dignity of all
How low can you go?
On a two-thirds majority and changing the Constitution
Why the long queues?
Vote, vote vote!
Double standard or respect for the Rule of Law?
I have a dream
NPA plagiarism scandal maybe hides a deeper truth
Lawyers.... and then we pay them for this
Freedom is costly, but worth it. . .
Happy Easter (thanks to Monty Python)
Did Michael Hulley give the game away?
ANC, know your Constitution IV
This is a matter of the Rule of Law, not Zuma
A reckless gamble - all for nothing
Reasons please
Surely not?
For the record....
What is going on with the Hlophe case?
Constitutional Court 1 - Hlophe 0
Pity they are not on the ballot...
ANC know your Constitution (III)
Curiouser and curiouser in Wonderland
Et tu Trevor
Thank you Dalai Lama, you have made us proud
Trying to manufacture figs out of horse manure....
The Dalai Lama and human rights day
Oh dear Minister, are you a liar after all?
Fact: Zuma has a case to answer
Reasons not to charge Zuma unpacked
Tony Leon reborn: now witty and making fun of Zille?
The crazies are running the asylum
About Joost, that sex tape and the Divorce Act
IEC in contempt of court?
Free State has funds for parties, not for the dying
Limited victory for voters abroad
Give Zuma a chance?
Death comes to the Free State
Minister Pinokkio and Shaik's medical parole
Hlophe running out of options?
Defending the indefensible... and then not.
Minister confused? Or lying?
Shaik release subverts the Rule of Law
On debate, distrust and ethics
Can Zuma pardon Shaik, himself?
One law for ANC, another for the rest?
HIV/AIDS, Cope, and democracy
Concourt: elitist or pro-poor?
Jacob Zuma,¨national interest¨, and the Constitution
Hiding behind the Constitution
National security? Then why is the President not stepping in?
Race, class and affirmative action
Niehaus, loyalty and the Rule of Law
Parliament neither fit nor proper
Process, the last refuge of scoundrels?
Citizens abroad to vote - if registered....
"Bothers on stupidity"? Racism? Fit and proper?
COPE's rogue's gallery grows.... or not?
PLEASE, there is no similarity between Hlophe and CC judges!
Hlophe has a point - only the President can suspend him
Yengeni, Winnie not eligible for Parly?
"Fit and proper" or a "diciplined cadre"?
President Motlanthe's sex life and public morality
IEC, know your Constitution (I)
Has Ngcuka blown the Zuma case?
Questions for Chikane, Mbandla, Gumbi, Simelane, Mpshe and Mbeki
Between judicial activism and judicial restraint
Do we need a country to lead us?
Maybe politicians must at least pretend to make sense
Barack Obama = America = patriotism?
The NPA, the Minister and the headless chickens
Nicholson a hero of judiciary after all?
On "deliberate falsehoods" and conspiracies
Where to now for Mr Zuma, legally speaking?
Zuma might be a nifty dancer but he does have a case to answer
No comment....
SCA provides common sense interpretation of section 179
SCA delivers a scathing critique of Nicholson
Judicial transformation and Justice Cameron
Fire the Ministers? Well, if you are the President yes
Democracy comes to Merafong
Rule of Law or above the law?
The new year will test our democracy
Newsflash: Edwin Cameron appointed to the Constitutional Court
Happy holidays
Mugabe, Mbeki, murder
Zapiro, Zuma and (another) defamation threat
Boesak and public morality
ANC, know your Constitution (II)
USA v SA public morality
Why Ginwala and Motlanthe are dead wrong
National security, the last refuge of scoundrels?
Should Pikoli be re-instated pronto?
Don't hold your breath for an arms deal commission of inquiry
On freedom of religion and the marginalisation of Muslims (and atheists)
Police to be shielded from the law?
Another day, another Zuma court appearance
Kgalema Motlanthe, HIV/AIDS and the ANC
Fit and proper or not, that is the question
On "hate speech" and Zuma's "persecution"
ANC, know our Constitution I: articles 16 and 17
Who's undermining who?
Another Pinnokio in the ANC?
High Court judges, equality law and the Constitutional Court
Julius Malema: secret election weapon for COPE?
Freedom of expression and our Universities
Zuma and the ANC: does it have a middle class problem?
Why can't South Africans abroad vote?
Miriam Makeba, strong African woman, hero: R.I.P.
Hating Zuma? No, I just think he is our own Sarah Palin
NPA appeal: Is Nicholson embarrased yet?
Not only in South Africa....
The Onion on the Obama win
No, not crying because he lost.....
On "transformation" and legal education
Election day! Obama video of the campaign
Transformation and the judiciary: an ANC litmus test?
Mbeki's letter: how I miss those Friday missives
Curiouser and curiouser
About Judge Lewis's unwise remarks
Innocent until proven guilty - but politically tainted
Why Obama's election matters
No wonder she had been drinking.....
The Concourt's wise decision on the Scorpions
Criticism of Nicolson judgment hypocritical?
Hlophe not always against media statements about JSC complaints
Salary increase for John Hlope an excellent idea
Once a denialist.....
Maybe not suitable for appointment to the bench.....
Transformation of the judiciary: Bizos gets it
The SABC and the Zuma interview
Who will replace Judge Madala?
The Hlophe letter of demand.....
A risky legal strategy?
Why is Ngobeni arguing for Hlophe's impeachment?
Floor crossing and an ANC "split"
Lekota's announcement: what now?
Langa's speech: subtle criticism of Nicholson?
Not guilty, but not innocent either: should Zuma be President?
Zuma's response to Mbeki court case
Motlanthe an inspired (election) choice?
Parliament back from the dead
Hlophe statement unfortunate and (partly) false
Maybe there are other reasons for criticising Mbeki
A judgment lacking in convincing legal reasoning
Shocking Hlophe judgment
Rejoice, Dr beetroot is no more
Game on...
Mbeki's Constitutional Court application can make legal history
Eleven Ministers resign!
Vusi Pikoli, the NPA and the new President
Motlanthe to be (acting) President?
The President speaks....
Who will be the President?
ANC and President in need of a constitutional adviser?
Thabo Mbek to resign as President
Why Nicholson's judgement might be wrong
Is he very, very dim-witted or merely lying?
Panic among Mbeki appointees....
How can the ANC get rid of Mbeki?
Quo Vadis Ginwala Commission?
An "activist" judgment?
What the Nicholson judgment did not say
Zapiro strikes back....
Zuma 1 - Mbeki 0
Just to stir things up....
The double standards of Jacob Zuma supporters
The dangerous constitutionalisation of our politics
On Zuma, Zapiro and that cartoon....
Calling the Magistrates Comission
On freedom of religion and the gay music teacher
Zille maybe not so Zilly?
Constitutional Court "turmoil": all Mbeki's fault?
Constitutional Court considers age of consent
Why the "weak" shortlist for Constitutional Court vacancy?
President must refuse to sign SABC Bill
Exit Strategy for Hlophe?
John Hlophe, judicial ethics and judicial independence
A conflict of interest over the Scorpions?
Full High Court bench of FIVE judges?
Road Accident Fund: fighting a cartel or stuffing up?
Zuma and the Waterkloof Four
Goodbey public broadcaster, welcome state broadcaster?
The ANC and scrapping of the Scorpions
Transformative Constitutionalism revisited
Irene Grootboom died, homeless, forgotten, no C-class Mercedes in sight
On the art of denial and the eloquence of silence....
Criminal justice system in turmoil - and not only for Zuma
And now for something completely different....
On "innocence" and an orange prison suit....
What's going to happen now with that diary?
Double standards of the Zuma defenders?
Paranoia stalks the land....
Arms deal just won't go away
A tale of two judgments
Zuma judgement is revolutionary and pro-poor
Sandile Ngcobo Chief Justice?
Constitutional Court Zuma Judgement
Plea bargain for Zuma - maybe not a bad idea?
Verbosity masquerading as erudition
Hlophe application should be laughed out of court
Hlophe in new attack on judiciary
John Qwelane, homophobe, at it again
Should the SCA and the Constitutional Court be merged?
On the criticism of judges (again)
Yes we do have a transformative Constitution
Happy birthday Mr Mandela, but what about the others
Ronald Suresh Roberts may be a plagiarist says Press Ombudsman
Should the JSC hearings be in public?
Let's revisit the attack on the Constitutional Court
Removal of Premiers a done deal
Heads of Court chastise "prominent people" about Hlophe matter
"Political conspiracy" = "yes I am guilty"
Why kill or die for Zuma?
Ginwala inquiry: state clutching at straws?
Racist yes, but not because Mugabe is "President"
The pigs are sullying our democracy
Public hearings on Scorpions
New York Times columnist on Mbeki
Hlophe's ad hominem attack smells of desperation
In defence of the Human Rights Commission
On freedom of expression and criticising leaders
SABC and the ANC - dangerous moves
Zuma's latest application dead in the water?
Xolela Mangcu: who are those to be killed?
The Hulley letter: what does it mean?
Zuma's lawyers going for broke
What happens when 5 judges retire?
This is Zimbabwe today
Zuma trial must go ahead
God better hurry up then....
Was there a "mandate" Mr Zuma?
Mapping pre-election violence in Zimbabwe
Hlophe: shocking, yes, but also a cause for celebration
Oh Mr Malema, what are you smoking?
What an unfortunate choice of words
Who leaked the documents?
We have a real constitutional crisis on our hands
On the President's budget vote
On the Daily Voice and the "M" word
Zimabwe: where even the SABC is "subversive"
Zimbabwe is a police state - where is SADC
Hlophe - here we go again...
Was Constitutional Court wrong to lodge joint complaint against Hlophe?
Victory for woman in developing customary law
Constitutional Court lambasted for Hlophe complaint
The JSC and Hlophe: what next?
Judge President of KwaZulu/Natal on Hlophe
Prejudging Hlophe - maybe not
John Hlophe MUST be toast... or else we are living in a banana republic
The end of JP John Hlophe?
Scorpions application: snowballs chance in hell
Scorpions bombshell coming?
On immigrants, refugees and those camps
¨Ordinary¨ South Africans stand up.... but what does it say about our nation?
UK Observer on xenophpobic violence
Xenophobic violence: why we (still) need ANC?
Xenophobic attacks: what do we do?
Anti-xenophobic vigil in Cape Town
On the State, the Party and the Scorpions
Better not visit China then....
Jacob Zuma will be our President
Attacking the judiciary (II)
(Not so) innocent until proven guilty.
Wish I was there.....
Xenophobia excused or explained?
Those were the days...
Another mayor, another attack on the judiciary
A better li(f)e for all?
Water meters, a Porsche and transformative Constitutionalism
Spurious case against Vusi Pikoli?
Prague spring at the SABC news?
Classic Private Eye cover from 1966
What now for the SABC board?
On the criticism of judges
Helen Zille responds....
Khampepe Report
Mayor Pinocchio?
Zuma prosecution a conspiracy after all?
All languages equal but English (and Afrikaans?) more equal?
Another racial spat in the judiciary
Ginwala enquiry dead in the water?
Vusi Pikoli - when will it end?
This lady is not for turning - even if it means being a hypocrite
Zimbabwe: Why Mbeki is all carrot and no stick
Arms to Zimbabwe?: UPDATE
Can a court stop the arms shipment to Zimbabwe?
Amnesty International Ad
Zille, Zillier, Zilliest
On free speech and the firing of David Bullard
Arrested and convicted for being HIV positive and gay in Egypt
Racial exclusive organisations revisited...
"Kill the bastards?" - no, not politicians, criminals
Black journalism forum unconstitutional
"Innocent until proven guilty" does not mean suspension of belief
A must read book about HIV and stigma
Light entertainment from the Zimbawean Herald
On criticism, hysteria and empty rhetoric
End of the road for Robert Mugabe?
Constitutional Court almost becomes really brave....
Weird book title awards
On Stalinism, accountability, responsiveness and openness
What are the President and his advisors smoking?
Police brutality revisited
Conspiracy theories and that trip to Angola
Racial tension at the SCA?
Happy Easter
Human Rights day, police brutality and transformation
Maybe politicians should talk to their lawyers first
Better than houses in Joe Slovo?
On housing, Joe Slovo and that Porsche
Zuma's Mauritian trip revisted
Zuma's troubling trip to Mauritius
No compassion for people who do not drive a Porsche?
Where should the power reside?
On the death penalty and Jacob Jughead
Constitutional Court, fair trial rights and the small matter of a Zuma trial
On miniskirts and transformation
Marx on Life
Stuff white people (in the USA) like
"Real" transformation of the judiciary
Asmal's goodbey to Parliament and the duty to speak
Reitz Koshuis: Get mad and get even
On "kaffirs", "queers", "moffies" and other hurtful terms
On Zuma, race and the black journalist forum
Maybe not so stupid after all.....
Constitutional Court cleverly "solves" evictions dilemma - or not?
Ricard on Hlophe and Tshabalala (and what about the Porsche?)
Serious slap in the face for the SCA
Collective cabinet responsibility and the Scorpions
Kenneth, how could you?
Where have all the "good" people gone?
Pinocchio's office wrongly uses sub judice rule (again)
Maybe the JSC is not so bad after all
JSC finally takes action against Judge President
Badih Chabaan, Juan Uys and the Scorpions
Sex workers and the right to a fair labour practice
Barack Obama for President
Freedom of the Press and the SACP
Talking about race (and Disgrace)
(Not) talking about race in South Africa
Patricia (de Lille, not Lewis) finally has a bright idea
Disbanding the Scorpions unconstitutional?
On power cuts, accountability and democracy
On the disbanding of the Scorpions
Motlanthe for Deputy President?
On (Afro)pessimism and the need to criticise
What about Snuki and the SABC?
ANC pulls back from the brink on Moseneke
President Pinocchio
Can Selebi be fired?
Bad week for Selebi, worse week for Mbeki
James Bond, Jackie Selebi and the Scorpions
Is the Speaker undermining our democracy?
Cosatu, Chaskalson, Bizos and some more confusion
Dumb, dumber, Cosatu...
Happy new year
Jacob Zuma, the NPA and Thabo Mbeki
Zuma indicted?
Gone fishing (sort of)
What now for Zuma's prosecution?
On democracy and the election of Jacob Zuma
Virus in the ANC, but.....
Mbeki: an out of touch, bewildered, denialist to the end
On gender, ANC succession and hypocrisy
Ginwala probe: more questions
Eating humble pie on Jacob Zuma
Jackie Selebi ≠ Jacob Zuma = abuse of state power?
Interview with Thabo Mbeki by SABC (III)
Interview with Thabo Mbeki by SABC (II)
Thabo Mbeki interview on SABC radio (I)
Badih Chaaban and the law of the jungle
On a criminal conviction and the Presidency
On race and the black middle class
Goodbey Mbeki?
The right of access to health or the right to die?
Friend of Jacob Zuma Speak
On race and power in South Africa
Zuma in lead, but is victory certain?
Trouble at the Bar
Denialism = dissidence = Mbeki = death
And Zapiro on freedom of religion....
On freedom of religion
Constitutional Court gets creative with orders
Satanism the downfall of Rapport columnist, but why?
NPA credibility? What credibility?
Haikona Motata (II)
Why the silence?
Mbeki ducks the real lies
Zuma's lawyers clutching at straws?
Batophele se ma se ....
Gevisser: Mbeki admits he is still an AIDS dissident
After the Party... (II)
After the party.... (I)
What kind of democracy do we live in?
Why we need quotas in rugby....
What is wrong with the debate about transformation in rugby
Why are lawyers such reluctant revolutionaries?
Snuki, SABC should respect the dignity of everyone - not just of the VIP's
Hlophe to blame for damage to judiciary
Sentencing case provides hints of judicial politics
Mbeki and the world cup victory
Two reasons for supporting the Springboks...
Are chattering classes scared of the people?
Constitution not ambiguous about the NPA
Your days are numbered, Mr President
Lies, damn lies and Presidential woppers
Me campaigning? Never!
On nose studs and respect for cultural diversity
Ginwala enquiry on shaky legal ground
Kriegler attacks Hlophe, what now?
Frene can we trust you?
On a sad and shameful decision by the JSC
Goodbye Rule of Law, hallo national security?
Et tu Zuma?
Frene Ginwala: independent?
Speak to us Mr President
Manto's advert and the Health Act
President Mbeki owes us an explanation
Now if they had only warned them about George Bush...
Manto officials unwise (perhaps even stupid)
Mbeki's AIDS denialism explained
Another boot-licker shows contempt for the people
Political literacy lessons....
Jacob Zuma's tax problem....
Sisulu lost the plot
Steve Biko
Dali Mpofu should rather not dabble in constitutional law
Floor crossing and politics
Floor crossing: don't blame the Constitutional Court
In Kenya.....
Zuma for President?
What kind of enemy are you?
Maybe a Zuma Presidency wont be that bad...
National democratic codswallop
Manto and Mbeki: how far can criticism go?
Want to sign this petition?
Manto and doctors must sue or else....
Will Mbeki be fired at end of the year?
A thief and a drunk, or just a sad victim of tabloids?
Mbeki: Sad prisoner of Western culture and values
When (and how) to judge the judges?
Con Court life a drag?
Finally he fires someone....
Slavery is just so last century....
A slow week
Corruption charges against Hlophe?
Keep politicians away from Truth process
Mbeki in a bubble?
O Vlok, the past is unpredictable. . .
On "facts", bikini's and postmodernism
"Because the gays are getting married..."
Animals must be eaten and not heard.....
Culture is a weapon of mass destruction
"Juan Duval Uys" finally arrested
On Robert McBride and democracy
Judge errs in gagging Mail and Guardian, but truth reavealed
Thabo Mbeki = George W. Bush?
What the Vlok is going on?
Xolela Mangcu on Vlok and prosecution
Happy 89th birthday!
Should sins of the wife be visited on husband?
Zuma's double standard
On judicial deference
Aids denialism (II)
Sunday Times advert circa 1985. . .
Judge Hlophe and the transformation of the Judiciary
Thabo Mbeki did flirt with Aids denialism
ANC paranoia is troubling and childish
McBride and the innocent until guilty charade
¨Them¨ and ¨Us¨ mindset primitive
On colonialism and Ronald Suresh Roberts
Light posting
The scary political logic of declonisation
Kebble got value for donation says ANC
Free schooling a bad idea?
Zapiro on new Mbeki Biography....
On "terrorists" and intollerance in Jerusalem
Now Mangcu puts in the boot
Born Gay? Who cares?
Unlikeable Mr. Roberts fit to write a biography?
Declaring "coloured/kleurling" unconstitutional?
Pay hikes for judges?
He sells mobile phones....
Can someone please hug the President
The doors of Parliament not open to all
Christopher Hitchens is not a man of one book...
Free speech and defamation in the Blogosphere
Why politicians flip-flop....
A greedy and shameless lawyer
Oasis, Hlophe must rue defamation action
Omnipotent God like living in North Korea. . .
But maybe hitting a child is like smoking dagga...
Zuma is fading fast
How will you be defined in a dictionary?
Why hitting a child is not like smoking
On Warlords and democrats
Parents soon to become criminals
Why can't Grindrod just let it go?
Another condom add.... funny?
Good news for press freedom
Male prostitute now claim info on Juan Uys
Robert McBride and the Tooth Fairy
Is this the best condom add ever?
Churches cannot be forced to marry same sex couples
Is Grindrod prostitute really Juan Uys/Neil Watson?
Judges a little bit above the law?
Best condom add ever....really
Why is it so bad to have sex with a prostitute?
Did Tokyo give shares to Judge President?
Now they want to adopt...
De Lille no Ms Einstein
On tolerance and the evils of religion
Oops, somebody must have lied
Judge President Hlophe should resign
How to insult a man of the cloth
It's the experience of opression, stupid
Here we go again
Jerry Falwell, homophobe, is dead
ANC democracy and Tokyo rising
Constitutional Court judges do argue
Assault on the Constitution
Racial solidarity of the worst kind
The Onion on child labour. . .
Constitutional Court's conservative slip showing?
Valkenburg here we come
Male rape: what were the judges smoking?
Did he fall off his horse?
Genital slashing case shows judicial progress
Pius no more
David Bullard hits nail on head
Oh no, I agree with Jon Qwelane
The Hansie Cronje syndrome
Can police name and shame alleged drug kingpins?
Bloody hell: thank heavens it ain't 1985
Monty Python and the life of Thabo
Mr MEC, you are not important
"Proteas lost because of prejudice, not affirmative action"
Will affirmative action ever end?
Margaret Thatcher = Thabo Mbeki?
Banned Sowetan Freedom day add
Fuddy-duddy equality = 0, critical equality = 1
Whatever did he mean?
Do you write like a boy or a girl?
Curiouser and curiouser
Tell Thabo Mbeki....
FW de Klerk foundation on affirmative action
Making fun of Dick Cheney
A little less certainty
But what about condoms?
Affirmative action (revisited)
Thank goodness for Jacob Zuma
African Court still not up and running
In defence of affirmative action
Judging the judges
What a surprise
Wolfowitz does a Hlophe
Bush's headache....
If all else fail, blame the Constitution
The politics of wearing a dress
More on Judges
Snuki Zikalala (Phd Bulgaria) on Zimbabwe
Zuma's rejects court of public opinion
Will Judicial Tribunals save our judiciary?
Fred Khumalo, why not wear a dress?
Bertolt Brecht on democracy
Succession "smear campaign" - in UK
Hlophe not off the hook after all?
Bush's favourite historian
Sexuality is genetic: New York Times
God hates the world, apparently
R.I.P. Pacta Sunt Servanda?
Home Affairs to the rescue
Honest broker?
Mbeki centralising control over judges?
Zuma vs Mbeki
A man by any other name looks just as sweet...
Sex work (again...)
New ambasssador for Zimbabwe?
Patricia De Lille might have approved
Mondli Makhanya on the button
Monty Python for Easter
Zuma, the Constitution and religious intollerance
Law and Morality...
No, I am not in favour of slavery.....
Stable but homosexual.....
But photocopying does not pay as well...
Lies, lies, lies
At least corporate lawyers are paid well....
Zille the liberal?
Britain's quiet diplomacy... towards Iran
Human Rights Watch on Zimbabwe
It's raining men...
At least he was dead at the time....
Moseneke's pay rise
Billy Masethla's last stand
More about Zimbabwe: does it ever end?
She had very stiff competition....
Zuma: 0 - NPA: 1
And they really think deeply about life....
Zimbabwe: another explanation
Mbeki plotting power grab?
Are law lecturers thin skinned?
Hate speech versus free speech
De La Rey looking for his umshiniwam?
Zimbabwe: an explanation...
Now Sweden to get same-sex marriage?
Moseneke the man to watch on CC
Chuck Norris Strikes again
Pharmaceutical Calvinism or rational drugs policy?
If only Prince told this to CC judges.....
Jonny Steinberg, Steve Biko and Thabo Mbeki
There's a Zulu on my stoep.....
Not out of Harms way...
Should we regulate political parties (2)
Yogyakarta principles on sexual orientation
New York Times on SA's unethical foreign policy
The Bible made them do it?
Tony Blair ain't bothered....
What is Zuma trying to hide?
Rather strong case for Presidential term limits....
Wanted: Biko not Mbeki
Should law regulate political parties?
Castro is not amused....
Party democracy anyone?
Thabo Mbeki, racism and crime
Thabo Mbeki on the money
With friends like these....
Ranjeni's ethical free zone
Another look at minimum sentencing
Viva minimum sentences!
Dworkin: US and UK fall short on democracy
Parliamentary skinner.....
Steinberg on Manto....
CC judges clueless?
Taking political accountability too far?
One day they will have full democracy too...
No respect for the President.....
CC corrects SCA's on common law
Business Day op-ed on culture
Acting Judges on the CC
Intelligent journalism on a criminal trail - in the New York Times
Viva Ghana!
Will the Censor Board protect us from religion? ("EB")
Culture and hatred
John Qwelane on DA succession battle
The end of democracy - in the UK
Independence, what independence?
And we should trust him on Selebi too....
Haikona Motata...
Old guard judges - or are they independent?
Paparazzi part of open and democratic society
Motata a chance....
Arguments today in CC on RAF claims deadlines
Statistic of the day for crime whingers.....
(Another reason) why not to fly with British Airways
Useless but priceless information...
Acting Health Minister
Constitutional Court trends
Are there limits to criticism of politicians?
Judge Hlophe's worst nightmare?
Paris is sleeping.....
Evictions require new understanding of property law
Desperation Stations......
Why the hullabaloo about a married pupil?
"Their spledid eland has waded too far..."
Boucher's bum....
Judicial Education Bill is flawed
Jonny Steinberg: leaders depressed
Rather Bloemfontein than Braamfontein....
Quicker, cheaper divorce coming
President Mbeki mentions crime!
Without the papers some women have no rights
Xolela Mangcu nails it
Zuma still innocent - but tainted
SACP borrows from Tony Blair - really!
JSC to revisit Hlophe matter?
Black judges complain about criticism
Hlophe case "unprecedented"
Paranoid, imperious, undemocratic?
Arms deal: now Chippie Shaik implicated
Hypocrisy of Mary Cheney
FNB hackers....
R500 000 small change for Hlophe?
Molly Ivans dead
Mti vir my jok nie
Dick Cheney vs Thabo Mbeki
Snuki = 1. SABC independence = 0
Crime, denial and democracy
Zuma will play for time
"Kylie" the sex worker has no rights
Hateful Homophobia in song
Holy Bull!
Of nose studs, head scarves and religion
Hout Bay land invasions
Essop's Fables and Party funding
Business Day op-ed on defamation
Robert McBride, reconciliation and “fatuous” remarks
Billy, Billy, Billy.....
Jou ma se Immanuel Kant
O dear Mr Roberts, you are a liar
Sowetan: Justice Motata will not be fired
Captain Blackadder on Bush's new plan for Iraq
Justice Motata steps aside
The poor (but still unlikeable) Mr Roberts
As drunk as a Lord (or as a Judge?)
Robert McBride and the Rule of Law
Pakistan's own Evita Bezuidenhout
Happy New Year
Saddam HUssein Executed this morning
Safe Sex video reminder for the new year!
ANC, criticism and democracy
Same-sex relationships around the world
Something is happening but do we know what it is?
What now for Shabir Shaik?
Langa vs Moseneke
CC drifting to the right?
Media neglect Constitutional Court
Hate speech on the internet
Viva term limits, viva!
Customary Marriages unconstitutional?
Unprincipled JSC?
Does Mbeki think corruption is a problem or not?
US Supreme Court Justices Debate
President's power to appoint Premiers undermine Constitution
Freedom of speech and the old Flag
Ronald Suresh Roberts, where are you now that we need you?
Dutch children's programme.....
What now for Judge President Hlophe?
SCA power and prestige slipping away
Xolela Mangcu hits a home run
Innocent untill proven guilty
About objectivity and judgment
Chihuahua or Rottweiler?
Civil Union Bill said to ignite debates accross Africa
Same-sex marriage passes last hurdle
ANC more important than the Constitution?
Story of the dominee
Permanent stay of prosecution for Zuma?
Same-sex marriage won't expunge unmarried couples' rights
More allegations against Selebi
Constitutional Court pro ANC?
Democracy can be such a bother
Goniwe, our own Mark Thatcher?
Chief Justice Pius Langa to the rescue
Vavi's folly
Lawyers finally discovering Constitutional Court
My take on implications of SCA mistake for Zuma
Mosiuoa Lekota, champion for gay rights?
Business Day analysis wrongheaded
Some Zuma-Shaik questions answered
Cosatu, Squires and the SCA
Business Day article
Weird Civil Union compromise
Youth League strikes again
Tidbits from SCA Shaik judgement
SCA judgment in Shaik case must be bad news for Zuma
Zuma may still be innocent but not untainted
Why not amend the Constitution?
Nqakula's proposal a quick fix
Luke warm about legal adviser
Lame duck Mbeki?
Review of Chapter 9 Institutions
Seperate always unequal